Author Topic: falling apart  (Read 7769 times)


  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2005, 01:54:44 PM »
Dear Guest,

I spent a good part of last night in front of my computer, weeping tears of gratitude that there are people like you who will genuinely care about a stranger.

You are not a stranger to me. I know you because we have shared the same dark place. That makes you my friend, in my book.

There are a lot of people here who want to be your friend. I have made a lot of friends here in just a short time. And they're just as real and loving and supportive as any friend in your own home. Only better because they feed themselves and they don't use your bathroom. :wink:

Please keep posting and let us know how you are.



  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2005, 03:07:57 PM »
Dear Guest,
Hi, my name is Lara and I'm in England. I've just got home from work and the VERY BEST thing in my day was to check in here on my computer and to know that you are still with us.
I hope that you can feel the love that everyone here is sending to you. We don't want you to leave, because already, from reading your posts,everyone can tell that you are a valuable, lovable person, and somebody that we would like to keep in touch with.
I really admire your courage in getting yourself through the night and out to work today. Hold on tight, and the great people on this board can help to pull you through the dark days, and onto a more hopeful time.

Sending you love and strength,

New Day

  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2005, 03:49:56 PM »
Dear Guest,
I am also sorry that I did not see your post and write sooner.  I want to tell you that as I read through the thread I was very heartened to see that you came back and let everyone know that you are one brave woman.  See, you are already seeing the survival instincts in yourself.  That's wonderful.

I do not post often, but I do read this board b/c the warmth and intelligence and caring that resides here is second to none.  Stick around, okay?

Guest, there is so much to live for.  We need you so much.  There are so many people and so many causes that need you.   For now, just know that we care about you.  I have never been suicidal, but I have had many dark days and the sadness and despair was so great I did not know if my heart would survive the pain.  I have my beloved fur children, Guest, do you have any pets?  

Please know I am thinking of you, Friend.
You have started your path to healing.  
New Day


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falling apart
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2005, 04:00:33 PM »
:D  :D  :D  :D
Guest: You made my day.....just knowing you have decided to stick around another day!  I admire your courage, your willingness to accept love.....hey, two things that come in might handy for creating the life you want!!!
Keep posting.  This is a healing place.  I hope you are still going to seek out a different therapist (like every profession.....some of them are awful).
Nice to hear from you!!!


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falling apart
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2005, 04:10:41 PM »
Dear Guest,

I just logged onto this thread and am so grateful you are still with us.  I pray you receive comfort, grace, love, mercy and compassion.  I am familiar with the darkness of hopelessness.  I trust you will see some more light soon.  Surely, you are a loving, sensitive and thoughtful person.  Can you love yourself today even if those around you are unable.  From what I've read, you are deserving of love and care.   :)

I hope you are able to find a therapist that can truly help you.  Healing isn't easy but I'm beginning to believe it will be worth it.  

Take care.    (((((Guest)))))



  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2005, 04:22:06 PM »
Dear Guest,

I am so sorry that I came upon your post belatedly. Please hang in there.

Where do your feelings of "defectiveness" come from(re: not having borne children)? I only ask because it seems to me that these feelings might be a result of other people having projected their own myopic(and not necessarily appropriate)attitudes onto you.

Guest, I, too am a childless, married female (and your contemporary re: age)----you aren't alone. I don't know if anyone has ever said this to you, point-blank, but please know that it is NOT your moral or biological imperative (or mine, or anyone else's for that matter) to reproduce, simply because you are a female of a certain age or station in life. I don't understand why society places this kind of pressure on women--it is unrealistic and unhealthy. Your worth is NOT wrapped-up in whether or not you can carry another human being inside of you to full gestation.

I have told some of my friends(many of whom are childless, I might add) that I satisfy any maternal instincts I might have through teaching children. One of my friends is a "Big Sister," one volunteers as a tutor to needy children in her town, one teaches Sunday School class...the possibilities are many.

Guest, is some of your pain a manifestation of sadness at not having an outlet for the love and caring you have to offer?(does that make sense?) That doesn't sound like someone who is "unworthy of love"(and who is to decide whether or not someone is worthy of love in the first place?)! Maybe the people with whom you've been involved are just not able(for whatever reasons) to receive what you have to give, and maybe you just need to keep looking for the right "recipients"(but WITHOUT a self-imposed time constraint).

Please don't give up, Guest----the world would be a much lesser place without you in it. Keep reaching-out here, because this is a safe and supportive place, and many of us understand the feelings you are experiencing.

Sending you strength---

vunil as guest

  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2005, 04:32:35 PM »
Amen, PQC!  There are so many ways to live a life, to give love.

Guest (I almost wrote Quest, which might be a good nickname), I am so glad to hear you are at work today.  Please do keep posting.  We have a lot of ladies in their forties here (myself included!) and most (maybe all) of us are lacking whatever society says is the perfect situation.  Not that anyone really has that anyway, life being as changeable as it is.

At any rate, I send you good wishes and some of the angels that people here have been so kind to send my way.  They do seem to be helping me (I guess they are skilled angels).


  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #37 on: April 20, 2005, 05:27:01 PM »
Dear Guest,

Glad you found the courage, strength and grace to hang in there.




  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2005, 05:33:25 PM »
Hi Guest:

I just came in and hopped on the computer and went right for your thread.  I'm soooo happy that you made it through the night and went to work.  

Believe it or not you were in my thoughts today and I was hoping that you would post again.  I am thankful that you are hanging on.

We're here for you.

God Bless.


Stormchild Guesting

  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2005, 06:07:53 PM »
Oh Guest!


I'm so glad you're still here and fighting to keep your chin up... welcome, please keep coming back, and post, and tell us what you need and want, as you have been, and we'll support you and share what we've learned and found, as we have been.

And we all move forward together, one step at a time, one day at a time. And sometimes we stop to rest and collect our thoughts, and that's OK too.

I am so relieved that you checked in with us today! ((((((((((Guest))))))))))


  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2005, 06:10:48 PM »
Not trying to hijack the thread, but just wanted to say hi to 2 cents.  I have missed reading your words of wisdom.  I often think of the comments you made to me when I'm struggling with the anger and resentment.  If all goes well tomorrow with the mediation, hopefully I can just move on.

I hope all is well with you.



  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2005, 06:47:36 PM »
Hey Bridid,

Don't wanna hijack the thread either, but just wanted to say thank you so much for thinking of me. I think of you too, and I'm so so glad to hear how well you're doing! I'm kinda shy so I don't post much but I check in every day to see how you guys are doing.  :oops: Thank you thank you thank you for thinking of me,





  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2005, 07:23:37 PM »
2 cents,
Its comforting to know you're there.  I'm sure you'll post when you need to impart those words of wisdom.  

((((((2 cents))))))



  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2005, 08:39:39 PM »
Hello Guest,

I'm so glad to hear you are hanging in there :!:  :D   I hope you will continue to feel the genuine care ppl have for you on this board, as I have.  As you already found out, this is a wonderful sanctuary to lay down your burdens and get lots of support and acceptance.  You are no longer a stranger to this board, but a welcomed fellow traveler. 8)   Happy to have you joined us. :D

Sending warm thoughts your way,



  • Guest
falling apart
« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2005, 08:51:15 PM »
Hello guest...I am so happy to see you posted again today and you are back at work.  I read your original post and wanted so badly to reply but just froze since I was so afraid of saying the wrong thing.  Yes, I have some self-esteem issues!  I knew I would reply when I could and just tonight I was listening to a song that still brings tears to my eyes.  The lyrics (roughly) are:  How did you get so lonely, how did you get so sad, how did you get so lonely and nobody knew.  So I am writing to you to tell you that now I know and my heart is with you.  From what you have said so far, I can tell you grew up in and have lived in very similar ways that most of us on this board have.  When you grow up that way or live with people who are narcissistic, their very beings depend on how much they can control you, your thoughts, and most importantly, your spirit.  Maybe they can't help it....who knows.  But I just cried when you said you were "unattractive".  Somebody has done a number on you.  When you look in the mirror, please don't see what someone else has told you.  I don't care if you have three eyes, no hair, whatever.  You are not unattractive.  That's just what someone has made you feel.  I hesitate to bring this up but my brother committed suicide three years ago and it was directly because of the messages he had received all his life from very self-absorbed people.  He was brilliant, good-looking and kind.  Because he had received so many messages that he was only OK if he supported someone else's projections of who he should be, I think he could find no other answer.  But, he was also programmed not to trust anyone else other than my mother who only wanted him to make her look good.  Sometimes, we have to take a leap of faith and we have to leap when we are in the lowest of moments or in the most despair.  And we have to leap toward someone who cares...I mean really cares.  You found this place on the internet and I (and I suspect most everyone else here) care in the sense that we don't know what you look like, did yesterday, did ten years ago.  We/I just care about what you are doing right now and what you will do tomorrow.  I think all of us want to impart some strength to you to trust.  Take a leap of faith and keep talking to us.  Trust is knowing that although you don't have an answer at this moment, the answer is coming and it will come in many ways because you have had the strength to reach out.  By reaching out you were and are very brave although you may not see it that way right now.  You really have courage.  Reaching out takes courage and I don't think you are ready to leave us right now.  Keep talking and I will keep listening.  And as for having children....your regrets  tell me that you are sad you have not had children but they also tell me you are a very caring and nurturing person....just for a few moments or a few minutes, turn this caring and nurturing toward yourself....just a little bit every day and I think that reflection in the mirror will change.  You'll see what you have to offer not only to others but to yourself and you'll start that wonderful journey of meeting who you really are.  It worked for me!  Take care....