Mudpup, thanks again for the input. Very insightful. It is a mixed bag. I do have great affection and love for my parents even if they are incredibly backward at times. As for the worthiness of my brothers to receive my love....hmmm..let me think about that. They each have their own dysfunctional, frustrating behaviors. I do feel some love to most of them at different times but the constant putting me and sometimes all women down, is a bit too much.
I went to counseling and felt pretty good about the whole situation afterward. Her biggest question was why do I let their treatment cause me to doubt my self worth? I guess that is the question for the ages. Intellectually I know they are wrong, but sometimes at gut level it hurts. Then sometimes it just p____es me off
The therapist was actually encouraging me to get a plan together on asking for money if I wanted to do that. For instance, how much money it would take to totally fix up my house, and then present it to my father and ask for his help. I kind of liked it. It didnt have to be the house but the state of the house has been haunting me forever. Seems like as soon as I get one part done, the rest is outdated. Also I am getting at an age where I am thinking if not now, when? I have been moving ahead with my own plan but it sure could happen quicker with help. She and I agreed I may not get the money but it was worth a shot if only as a learning experience. She did question my own feelings about money and asking for money. I think there is a mystery to be solved there also.
Feeling renewed I went back to the trailer situation and promptly got frustrated as all the work keeps getting poured in my lap and then when I do the research it is questioned, dissected and sometimes discarded by Dad and Bro #1.
I had to laugh at one of my friends who once said as best as they could figure, Bro#1 is in charge of parking in front of the building and the doling out of the pro sports tickets. That's is pretty accurate. So when he said he didnt have time to meet the site inspection person I had to laugh.
Bro#1's catch all phrase for "just how incredibly busy he is "I'm just spinning plates." He is so disorganized and constipated I am surprsied he makes it to work each day. It is a facade actually. Acting busy when you really aren't. I, on the other hand, have two jobs and little to no free time, but can juggle, prioritize, etc. Maybe we could have a circus act---"The dysfunctional juggling plate spinners." Oh I forgot it already is a circus act.
So this is where the famous Catch-22 comes in or as I think Mudpup said they pull the chair our from under me. Do I keep pushing the project forward and learn to live with the ups and downs and hopefully the final product or just step back? I am still debating and today mostly venting.
The next step was having someone from the traielr hauling company look at the site and determine fi we can actually get it in there. Bro and Dad, nickled and dimed the site inpsection person, which also happens to be a woman, about her price, so now she isnt calling back, which I hope is just me being paranoid.
Bro #1 is also dissing the lady at the manufactured home site as not knowing anything. I reminded Dad that the guy there wouldnt even give us the time of day so I dumped him for her. I actually told Dad that Bro's only problem with her was she is a woman. That upset Dad of course.
She has actually been great and at one time Bro#1 thought she was very informative.
This is all just a control issues as I am sure he knows he is in his favorite seat, holding up the project while he does Lord knows what. It'sa power thing. AARRGGHH!!!
I told Dad that I would meet the site inspection person, even though I really dont have the time, but they needed to get all their questions ready ahead of time. Also no bitching afterward about what they forgot to ask or do, if they cant actually go out there with me. Now if she will justs call me back.