Dear Forward,
It would be so easy to fall back into old habits and "be there" for him when he needs you ... only to be discarded again when his crisis ends. Actions speak louder than words and by his getting off the phone so quickly when you stood up for your own feelings, he made it clear that he was out to "use" you, not reach out to you the way a loving friend would do. A friend would have acknowledged where you were coming from, even said, yes, I understand, I called because I am really hurting, but I respect where you are coming from, etc. But he didn't do that, and he never will. It's sad, really, quite sad.
Put yourself first. You have done that. I also would feel horrible to put limits on my "caring" but you know, he had no right to call you at all. And you should be proud of yourself for handling the call as well as you did.
Stay strong, Forwardbound.
New Day