Author Topic: want to share :} feel strange.  (Read 3507 times)


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want to share :} feel strange.
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2005, 08:30:38 PM »

im thinking of writing out to all my family, who ive been estranged from all these years, (the neutral ones that just dont know us too well) and laying it all out. not to be sour grapes or whatever but to expand the familys vision of reality.

Don't lay it ALL out. I've tried. They won't believe you. They won't believe anyone is as evil as your family. Do not lay out a laundry list of the evil they have done you.
Stick to what you have been accused of and ask the neutral ones where the evidence is. Ask them what you have done to deserve losing your daughter. Remind them what they have personaly witnessed about you not what they have been told. Emphasize your only desire is to have your daughter back. Let them know your daughter wants to live with you.

There is tremendous power in the way these creeps have isolated you. It is standard operating procedure for Ns. It is tough to fight once your reputation is wrecked but it is worth the effort.
Just don't trash the N-uts. Part of their defense is behaving so outrageously they can point at anyone who just repeats the facts and discredit them.
Blessings Anna.


d's mom

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want to share :} feel strange.
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2005, 01:24:21 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Don't lay it ALL out. I've tried. They won't believe you. They won't believe anyone is as evil as your family.

no, i probably wasnt clear what i meant by 'laying it all out'. i dont mean ALLL..... gory details like..

you are right about the laundry list thing...  i just want to in a detached way confirm a few suspicions that i know they already have... to get more people 'watching'.  to get them to close ranks, and be more inclined to hold him accountable, which i think they would do. im thinking this might be the time to do it, while nfolks are on the defensive somewhat, and feeling scrutinised.

they have no loyalty to him......  they are all relatives of my mother, a close italian family, actually, and are -very- aware of what he did to her with the affair and the divorce... he is -not- well liked.... it wouldnt be any stretch at all for them to realize that there were also other things going on. a lot of them have told me they had suspicions.  it was my uncle, my mothers brother, who gave me the $4000 to get that lawyer the first time. i think there is ground there to gain support, if done correctly.

i think this might be a good time, to let them in on some stuff.

Stick to what you have been accused of and ask the neutral ones where the evidence is.....

i agree..  but honestly- i bet they dont even know -that- much about it... our family is so divided, most of these people probably arent even aware this is happening at all..  i havent talked to many of them in 20 years.  (he hasnt either)

There is tremendous power in the way these creeps have isolated you. It is standard operating procedure for Ns. It is tough to fight once your reputation is wrecked but it is worth the effort.
Just don't trash the N-uts.

no trashing. no arguing. im not even going to try to talk to anyone that i know supports him, like my brother. with those people, i wont even try. but these others, my mothers relatives, they dont care about bruce or respect what he says... they dont support him, most likely they dont even know whats going on.  

the trick is to be very delicate and present it properly, i totally agree with that.

im working on a bit of a story for here too, that will explain some of my family dynamics... its tough to understand whats going on, without having some background. my family structure is fairly unusual... at least compared to what ive seen here... in terms of the extent of the alienation and schisms.... theres a huge amount of just flat noncommunication. our relationships are far more likely to be completely estranged with no communication at all, than to have communiation that is problematic. so theres a big need for opening lines of communiation.

i do agree, not too emotional, not dramatic. but they need to know whats going on in their family, to their relative... why ive been alienated, that it was his doing.   i think if they were made aware, they would not approve at all. family is super-important to them.

thanks mudpuppy!
i really enjoyed your grouse story.


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want to share :} feel strange.
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2005, 03:15:13 AM »
Of course they have modified their behavior. Ns are utter slaves to the fear of their public facade being torn down and the world seeing what weak vindictive little freaks they are. The arrogance and anger is just a smokescreen because they're scared little rabbits.
Despite his wealth and power and haughtiness your father is afraid of you and what you know about him.
Since the legal angle seems closed for now, maybe this is your only leverage for the moment. If they try to cut off communication even more they might risk a return of CPS, especially if their retaliation follows close on the heels of the visit.
Your daughter will love you more for trying to help her even if they find out it was you and punish her. Thats why she wants to come home to you now. She knows who loves her and treats her right.

YUP!  I think you got it and articulated just right!  Some of us look in the mirror and see only ourselves and some of us see the World of which we are a part ....Bittles


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want to share :} feel strange.
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2005, 10:09:09 AM »
Hey all:

Hi Anna:

I think this report/case being on the books is a very good thing, even if it is closed.  Good for you for bravely making it so.  If you or any ally ever makes another report, be sure to ask for this woman, this social worker...specifically.  There is a chance she might be put back on the case because she is familiar with it and that would be a real bonus eh?
But they're so disorganized (some of these agencies) that they might not assign the worker who is familiar with the case, unless that is requested.

Mum wrote:

I hope you know that I don't think my situation even closely compares with yours, or that my sharing my "whiney/ not that bad" stuff demeans your struggle in any way.

First of all, Mum, I agree with Anna:  pain is pain and yours is just as valid as anyone elses.

Also, you are not whiney when you express how you're feeling, your frustrations, the details of what's going on, you're worries, etc...  You are justified and  entitled to express those things/feelings...they don't sound like whiney stuff to me..they sound like pain coming out.

Last, your stuff is bad for you and your situation and so the term "not bad stuff" doesn't apply.  There is no measure of how deep pain runs so we can't take that reading and say:

"Oh yes, definately.  Mum's stuff is not that bad."

((((((Mum))))) (and I hope he doesn't show because he gets his fly stuck to his essentials and has to seek professional help to correct the problem!!! :evil:)

Back to you, Anna....I'm so glad you've found this place and feel comfy about posting.   It's so lonely not having anyone to talk to about stuff and good for you...for journalling all that get it on paper and at least...out.

Your daughter is a bright girl and when the chance comes for her to speak up.....she will do that again!!!  Keep imagining/pretending/dreaming about the freedom/happiness stuff.  It's good.  It will give you a break from the stress, which will help you to focus and do your best thinking.....when required.  And it's a lovely way to relax for a little while.

I'm with Mum in believing that good things will come and I can hardly wait for those happy days too, Anna.  :D  :D  



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want to share :} feel strange.
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2005, 10:47:20 AM »
Oh, ho, ho Anna,
Now I see. I didn't realize the relatives you were talking about were from your dumped mother's side of the family. That's a whole different kettle of fish (or grouse).
If they're a close knit Italian family then they're already nursing a vendetta against this chump. If nothing else, contacting them may regain for you relationships and personal support you have lost over the years.

When Ns start feeling scrutiny they start getting scared, and paranoid of more scrutiny. Even little innocent things they blow out of proportion. Take some time and expand your mind on maybe waging a little low intensity psychological war. Just subtle social pressure maybe. Always make sure they know that any retaliation against delphine will result in more scrutiny of them.
Good luck.

Wasn't there a movie called 'Bruce Almighty' about a guy who thought he was God? Sounds like a biography of your father. I never saw it.

If you liked the grouse I'll have to tell my hornet story someday on the anything thread. I'm afraid I'm the dope in this one though. :oops:



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want to share :} feel strange.
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2005, 05:17:42 PM »
Oh Mud ya gotta see that movie.  It's pretttttttttttty funny!

Ok....after dinnes, on the "Anything" thread.....let 'er fly about theeee 'ornets!! :shock:   Dying to know all the nitty gritties of it!! :D

Hey Anna:

That sounds like a great idea.  Long lost Italian family members.  Maybe you'll have someone to talk with about all this, at the very least.  I hope that works out for you.  That would be really nice! :D

I'm away now 'til Monday.

Enjoy you're weekend all!! 8)