Author Topic: This is helping, GFN giggles and low times  (Read 2148 times)


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« on: May 02, 2005, 09:10:42 PM »
Wow!  I've gotten so much good feedback.  I feel like maybe I'm crawling out of that danged black hole again like I was right after the divorce was official.  I think reading all the good advice you all have given is helping and I don't feel so alone.  I am going through many of the other posts as well and can relate to so much and see others who've had it much worse.  It really helps to find others who I can relate to and read that depression is normal after going through this.  I will see what the weekend will bring as Friday nights seem to be the low point for me.  I wonder if anyone else has certain times of the week that bring them down?

GFN, don't worry about the giggles.  I know exactly where you are coming from.  I've read some things that have made me laugh as well because I have SO been there and understand.  It's a good sign when we can do that, don't you think?


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2005, 09:34:28 PM »
Funny how you should mention times that sort of are low.  Weekends have always been my low points.  Probably because that was when the lack of family was always so obvious to me.  Jeepers, that was a depressing thought!  Now on the weekends I usually play lots of music, read lots of books and just not worry about when I get out of my nightgown.  Self-indulgence is a good substitute for now.  But it is getting better.  I know when I tend to be down and I can stockpile interesting things to do .... Christmas used to be the worst!  And that doesn't happen anymore....Now I play music to the critters!  These things just tend to work themselves out because I don't think you or I place great value in feeling bad so we will move on...You just can't move on until you know what you're leaving.. I guess that's why we have to feel sad for a while.   Things do get better.  Take care, Bittles

Stormchild Guesting

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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2005, 09:55:17 PM »
Quote from: dogbit
Weekends have always been my low points. ...  Now on the weekends I usually play lots of music, read lots of books and just not worry about when I get out of my nightgown.   .... Christmas used to be the worst!  And that doesn't happen anymore....Now I play music to the critters!

Yea bittles, how glad I am to hear someone else doing the same stuff... including playing music to the critters! Ever have critter parties? The kitties and I break out a string or one of those feathery bird toys, and if they're really good they get a pinch of catnip each. Should be even more fun with pooches.  :D  :D except for the catnip. I've never heard of dognip...

Stormchild Guesting Again

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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2005, 09:57:25 PM »
Quote from: Stormchild Guesting
I've never heard of dognip...

but come to think of it I bet its not that different from dogbittles  :D  :D  :D  :D , at least as far as your pooches are concerned!!!!!


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2005, 09:59:09 PM »
Quote from: dogbit
Jeepers, that was a depressing thought!  

That was good to read!  When I read that I thought, "Yes, I too will be there one day."

Friday night is definitely my low point and Saturday is not so great either.  Usually by Sunday, I've got myself back together again.

My first Christmas while we were separated was a very nice one as I was danged if he was going to spoil it for me plus I had the bully out of the house.  I got a tree, gifts for myself (and they were exactly what I wanted, imagine that), did a modest amount of decorating and then ended up flying elsewhere to spend it with a relative.  The second one was more like, why bother?  This is what puzzles me so.  The backsliding.  I was making such good progress last year.  

Good grief.  Maybe it's the 1-yr anniversary of all the divorce procedures and finalization coming up?  I didn't think anniversaries had an affect on me but maybe they do.  I went right from doing well, health problem and recovery right into one-year anniversaries.

Bittles, you may have helped me onto something here.


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2005, 10:05:35 PM »
Oops, that "guest" was me astrofemme.  I'll get the hang of this yet.

I do these things with my kitties as well!  I have two blue-eyed girls and what would I have done without them?!?!?!


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2005, 10:06:14 PM »
I've never heard of dognip

Stormy,WE are the dognip!  Haven't you ever noticed how they like to jump on us and nibble at us....For dogs, humans are the ultimate dognip.  Of course, I haven't let on my dirty little secret.  How many dogs do you think I have.  I haven't figured out a prize for the right answer.  Remember, I did animal rescue for many years!  Bittles (a wonderful name since this is how my dogs see me!)


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2005, 10:08:52 PM »
oops...Very Sorry....I am hijacking this thread.  But you know, none of my dogs are N's (except for maybe one.....jury is still out)  But very sorry again....Bittles

Stormchild Guesting

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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2005, 10:12:43 PM »
Yea astrofemme and the blue-eyed kitty girls! Yes, anniversary reactions can be very very strong. Don't discount them... I think they come from the gut more than the head, even. You can know they're there and not be able to do a blasted thing about them.

((((((((((astrofemme & the girls))))))))))

((((((((((bittles & critters))))))))))


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2005, 10:26:07 PM »
The backsliding

Backsliding?  Maybe just experimenting with what you know now compared to what you knew then?  I don't think I have to get it right with the next Christmas coming up.  I'm sort of a new person now who can say I just don't really know and continue on with good intentions and letting people who care about me pick up the loose ends.  What I have learned in the last year is to let people help me without despising me.  Gee, what a thought!   My past life always centered on me knowing the best,rightest, thing to do.  That's not really what healthy connectedness with friends and family is about.  Living with an unhealthy person puts a lot of demands on with healthy people, I hope, will spread the demands equally and you and I will receive equal benefits.  Maybe the first Christmas was about proving something....maybe the next will be about Christmas!  I really do love Christmas.  Bittles


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2005, 10:45:42 AM »
GFN, don't worry about the giggles. I know exactly where you are coming from.

Thanks Astrofemme!  Sometimes when I post stuff like that, I have an immediate anxiety attack, (which doesn't usually last very long), where I think:

"Oh I hope the person won't think I'm taking their situation lightly." or "If I hurt their feelings I'll kick myself" and stuff like that.

It's just that laughing is such a relief sometimes.  I mean, we can't change people and sometimes not situations/circumstances (especially, if they are in the past), so all that is left is to mourn our losses, work toward moving on, and laugh at whatever we can find that seems humourous.  I'm glad you understand, Astrofemme and also that you can laugh/giggle too and that it's helping.  That is so nice to hear and think about.  :D  I like the idea of you smiling a little so much better than thinking of you alone in misery. :(  Laughing inbetween crying seems like a way of holding onto the joy of life, in a way, to me, and so I think it is a very useful thing to do, especially when so much tension/stress is present.

It's a good sign when we can do that, don't you think?

Yes I do.  I think it is a sign that all is not lost, that life will go on, that there is still joy around.....and we are able to find it.  I think it shows that even when times are tough, we can relax a bit and enjoy a moment of fun.  It shows that we don't have to always take everything too seriously and being life is so short.....we can stop and giggle and it will slow it down us be in the now......enjoy the now.....make a little go with the other stuff.  Nothing wrong with that, imo.  It's a relief, which is needed, to help us out of the darkness.

When everything is steadily serious, it's time for a respite, if you ask me.  I have been known to crack jokes at the most intense times.  Lucky somebody hasn't reacted in any nasty fashion, so far, and slapped me silly. :shock:  :shock:  I keep risking that. :shock: And it's people like you who always proove it was worth the risk. :D   Thankyou!



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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2005, 08:29:50 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
GFN, don't worry about the giggles. I know exactly where you are coming from.

Thanks Astrofemme!  


No, thank you!  I was getting way too low and I laughed when I read that you laughed because I saw that it was funny as well.  Sad but yet funny.  I can't tell you how many times I have laughed at some of his N antics and thought if only he could see what he REALLY looks like when he's pouting, etc.  Well, he is history for me.

We must have similar outlooks.  Usually I deal with adversity with a sense of humor and when I get too low, it's good to share a laugh with someone who truly can understand where I've been.

Yeah, I think we are healing when we can laugh at what they do.

This is a nice site with nice people and works well.  I'm glad I found it.


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This is helping, GFN giggles and low times
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2005, 11:06:30 AM »
This is a nice site with nice people and works well. I'm glad I found it.

I'm glad you did too Astrofemme! :D  :D  :D

And I'm really glad you're feeling better!   :D  :D  :D