I have two stories: First one:
I had that experience either. When I started up to speak out about my family and that was mostly the family of my Nmother, because my fathers family had longtime ago shut down contact the following happened:
1. My co-dependent father denied-like always. He never sees or hear anything what my Nmom has done even if she was in the same room with him. He completely denies and is in some kind a helper.
2. My Ngrandmother, the mother of Nmom, siad she did not want to hear about it and push the receiver down. She never wanted to hear about it. Would I told her fairy tales, she would like that. She wrote me once a letter about forgive and forget.
I examined my Ngrandmother and discovered that she is N byherself and even much worse than my Nmom! I dropped contact to her, after I found that out.
3. My Naunt. First she was understanding, than she started to become manipulative and used the information I gave her against me and my Nmom. When My Ngrandmother died, she took all the heritage and did not gave my mother anything value. Only the shit she dropped for her home door. I have dropped contact to that person either.
4. I spoke to a cousin. He truely did not want to get involved, but gave me some information.
5. I spoke to her sister of my father and she told me some stories of my mothers (happeneed 30-40 years ago).
So end of the story: They all knew how bad my mother was. None ever thought how awful it must have been for a single kid to be together with such a bitch. None ever thought about that. I would have appricated some waring especially in my teens when I was starting to doubt my mother. No, they told me now ovber 20 years laters! That was wasting a lot of time of my life for things I could have just known.
4. I have not speaken since over 1 1/2 year with my NMom anymore.
I will solve the whole issue by skiping contact. Life is too short and I do not want to waste it any longer for people like that.
So here, my first result is: Some People obviously do not care, in which situation you are in. This reminds me of Brigids PIL. They gave a shit about it. Even if you go there and tell them and say to them, why you are supporting such a person, they do not care.
Oh, more the opposite they use your bad situation for their own benefits.
I can only recommend if you see people like that skip contact, do not even talk about them about the issue and move on.
To the people who failed to warn you, do the same. We give warnings out for hurricanes and tornados, so people should give out warnings for abusive people. At lot of them may in the beginning be very charming, because they know how to play that game, I mean somehow the victims have to get into that trap.
The good thing after being in touch with groups like this and after reading a lot of books about these isues, I can more and more easily spot these people by myself.
But these silent people they help the abuse in being silent, so please speak up and people who do not speak up, avoid.
There is a difference to speak up with people who saw what the N did to you and being togehter with the N, like with bridgts ex-husband. No need to speak up for them, they have already seen what happenend and likely the same will happen to them too in some years. If people think that the person has just done that to them and will not do this to any other person, they are plain stupid sorry.
End of first story