Author Topic: fear of flying?  (Read 2599 times)


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fear of flying?
« on: May 12, 2005, 01:04:47 PM »
Does anyone have experience with any of the following:

Narcissistic Isolation (Hermit like lifestyle) Thinking they are too special to interact with others.

Do people with narcissism fear flying?

Do narcissistic parents use with holding of food, or under feed children?

With holding human contact or not liking to be touched?

Thank you,


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fear of flying?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2005, 01:52:03 PM »
Hi Grammy

Narcissistic Isolation (Hermit like lifestyle) Thinking they are too special to interact with others.

My X N lives pretty much like a hermit (this has grown worse since the divorce...five years now).  I think it mostly has to do with the fact that he can't relate to others and has extreme difficulty maintaining relationships (both intimate and platonic).


Do narcissistic parents use with holding of food, or under feed children?

I don't think he necessarily  withholds food from my children but he is very stingy about purchasing food at the grocery store/restaurants. He never was one for parting with the almighty dollar.

With holding human contact or not liking to be touched?

Yes.  This was our marriage.  He was very cold and calculating.  Nonemotional.  A shell of a human being.  Void of feeling.

I don't know about the flying though.  My X N didn't seem to have a problem with it.  At least he never verbalized any concerns.



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Re: fear of flying?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 06:02:44 AM »
Quote from: Grammy
Does anyone have experience with any of the following:

Narcissistic Isolation (Hermit like lifestyle) Thinking they are too special to interact with others.

Do people with narcissism fear flying?

Do narcissistic parents use with holding of food, or under feed children?

With holding human contact or not liking to be touched?

Thank you,

Isolation happens because Ns are not the most social of people, imo.  They despise other people, apart from a chosen few.  They do not fear flying more than other people, I imagine, but what they fear is their own emotions.  So until they fly they might pretend a phobia, in order to be interesting.  Once successfully achieved, however, they will turn immediately into jet setters, who have been everywhere and done everything.

Ns love to tell their holiday stories.  Endless hours of boredom for anyone nearby.   :lol:  :lol:   And they cannot tell the difference between an interesting anecdote and the most excrutiatingly boring detail, such as how many times sandwiches were served on the coach trip, and what they contained.   :lol:

N parents sometimes withhold food, for the simple reason that the children only get fed when the parent is hungry.   :?   And they are fed what the parent thinks is enough.  Worst of all, the children are taught not to trust their own evaluation of when they are or are not hungry, and how much is enough.  Huge problems here in terms of sowing the seeds of eating disorders.  Also, lots of judgements about how much to feed, which then relate to self worth and to value within the family.  As an example, as the only girl, with two brothers and my parents, I was consistently fed less than anyone else.  No rational reason for this, just how it was/is.  Girls eat less.   :?  I was fed less than my younger brother (5 years younger than me) for no particular reason that I could ever tell.  I spent years being hungry.  

Mum would often feed all of us one thing, and herself something else.  Like we would get mince, while she got a pork chop.  That kind of thing.  Grotesque.  

Also, yes the touch thing is true, in my experience.  Touching seems to be too painful, perhaps because it breaks through into reality, which is not where they want to be.  

Hope this helps.


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fear of flying
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2005, 06:27:01 AM »
Thank you, it helped a great deal.


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fear of flying?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2005, 10:16:18 AM »

If you read the Ns=Bored people thread, you will see the opposite side of what you have experienced.  

I guess they are all along the continuum.



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fear of flying?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2005, 09:03:16 PM »
My nbeau had turned in to a hermit in the 15 years I was out of touch with him.  He was paranoid about everybody around him, thought they were plotting against him.  He talked constantly about how his father said on his deathbed that people are incredibly cruel. The father was incredibly cruel and an alcoholic and never gave anybody a chance, including the son.  I imagine nbeau will slowly kill himself at a young age or do it all at once due to his inabilty to tolerate his feelings and do the work necessary to heal.