Oh hello dear friends....
Well, have I had an exhausting 5 or so days. But I am back. And let me respond to what you have written then I will catch you up on what is going on with me.
I'm glad to be your friend, menow. Very glad. I am one of those who thinks it is impossible to have too many friends. I am also one of those who thinks a cyber friend is just as real and caring as a 3D one.
Mudpup, that means so much to me, I read it when you first wrote it and reading it now again, just touches my heart, I have a real friend in you. Thank you.
Patz, I hear you. And thank you. I will. I do deserve it. Thank you for the encouragement.
You can and will build a new life and those who have hurt you will fade into oblivion......their influence/power over you and your choices will be little or nothing and you will be just you from now on.....not some reflection of them/their behaviour/the pain they caused.
GFN, Thank you. That really gives me hope and inspires me. It feels true. For the first time it really feels true. I feel your caring. Thanks.
So.... I am feeling really exhausted. Now I am dealing with the present people in my life. After my big internal and in therapy realisations. My unhealthy relationship came back and I really stood up for myself with him. He has a drug problem and I told him I just cant be with him if he is going to be doing that. Not only told him but backed it up with my actions.... egads. A new one for me. It has been really hard, like breaking my own addiction of focusing on the N, ignoring my self. But I did it and have been doing it.
So many thoughts run through my head, like. I am being really cold and mean, like he is going to fail or die because I didnt help him, yada, yada, yada. Or I need to call him to tell him just one more thing that will save him. It is my child hoping through hell and high water that my dad or mom will come through for me. My poor poor little girl. How exhausting for her. How absolutely exhausting for her. No wonder there was no time for laughter or play. She spent everys second thinking and racking her little brain about how she could fix them so she could get the love. Poor thing. Poor me.
The good news is I clearly and consciously saw it in my present reality. And I stopped. I just pulled away and stopped. It feels weird(of course) and it feels bad(of course). But I am doing it, I am focusing on myself. Like a snowball, it will gather speed and time. More time for me, more time for my thoughts, more time for my needs and wants, more time for me. And those that fit into my life will fit in. Otherwise I HAVE to focus on me. Or I have learned there will be no me. It is an addiction focusing on everyone else.
I am slowly ending my addiction and I have to say, it is like saying goodbye to an old friend. It does feel empty. Focusing on me. But I know that is just a phase and the beginning that it will roll and "I" will appear in my life, bigger and taking up more space, laughter, my laughter (what a concept) my laughter. I didnt know it was there. I look forward to that. But for now, I am just happy with my progress and baby steps.
Again, thanks for listening everyone. Thank God you are here. Thank God this is here. I feel heard. Really heard. I am making progress. I am so thankful. There is a happy life for me, there is hope for a happy life for me. Maybe even a husband, a baby, and a circle of friends who care about me. I would feel like I won the lottery. Thanks again guys. Love you...