perhaps what might help is
tho the the best and true love is unconditional
one does set conditions in terms of
what might best enable goodness
and how one's reponse would not serve to enable
more bad behaviour
thus to best practice unconditional love
with proper discernment to understand the
complexities of anothers needs might
better enable the best expression of unconditiona love:)
to paste from a may 25th 10:34pm pst
Love without forgiving = impossible, for me.
by a guest...
perhaps in some cases to always be ready to forgive
in the case of some sins and some sinners
but to give forgiveness in some cases
when they have not yet repented one
could be then guilty of enabling bad behaviour
... perhaps within the concept of in luke 17
where jesus says
if your brother sins against you rebuke him
and when he repents forgive him...
the nlt translation of taht is
I am warning you! If another believer sins, rebuke him; then if he repents, forgive him.
.. but does it also apply outside of christian believers..

i think it can

websters translation
Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother shall trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he shall repent forgive him.
and of course the vulgate
adtendite vobis si peccaverit frater tuus increpa illum et si paenitentiam egerit dimitte illi
and the greek
prosecho heautou de ean sou adelphos...etc
and then the probable aramic or hmm maybe hebrew ..hmmm