Author Topic: setback, setback, setback  (Read 5309 times)


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setback, setback, setback
« on: May 24, 2005, 01:59:21 PM »
Well, whata  weekend I had. Fantastic. Then I decided to try to smooth out what has been a difficult ( what I thought ) friendship.

This was the reply I received:

I have never given you the slightest reason to assume
> that we were friends.  You simply cannot force
> yourself upon people.  Friendship does not work that
> way.  I have tried very hard to make it clear to you,
> without saying it in so many words, that I am not
> interested in a close personal relationship with you.
> Yet you cannot accept that and continually try to
> create something between us that does not exist.
> I have respect for your musical talent.  There are
> ways in which yours oustrips mine, ways in which mine
> surpasses yours.  But that has nothing to do with
> friendship.
> This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Unitarian
> Church.  It is just a matter that you want (demand,
> insist upon) a relationship that I have no inclination
> toward having.  Your pushing too hard simply forces
> people farther away, at least this one.
> I have been trying for these many months to make it
> clear to you, WITHOUT being hurtful, that I am not
> inclined to a close friendship with you.  I was so
> brutally honest just now because you doggedly
> refuse to understand any more subtle message.  You
> invade the privacy of my home, uninvited, and then
> berate me for being unkind.  What arrogance!
> Despite, or precisely because of, my being a public
> person, my privacy is very guarded.  I do not take
> kindly to anyone trying to force themselves upon me,
> certainly not repeatedly as you have done.  You have
> no reason to be hurt or to feel abused.  You have put
> yourself in that position by your own insistence.
> I am sorry to be so definitive with you, but you seem
> unwilling to take anything short of total rejection.

This guy might think of himself as a celebrity- but he's a minor radio station host, and my one invasion of his privacy was a phone call sunday afternoon to see what was happening.

Another narcissist???

Looks that way.


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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 03:17:22 PM »
Jeez what a self important jerk.
There's a word, "cockalorum", which means 'self important little man'. Maybe you could send him a one word response.

Is he American by any chance? :twisted:  :P  :roll:  :shock:
Sorry, being a wise ass again.



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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2005, 04:33:19 PM »
and yes!

US Cockalorum it is!!!

Thanks M/P, I am smiling writing this, you helped me get it in context.


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Re: yes!
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 07:23:45 PM »
Quote from: write
and yes!

US Cockalorum it is!!!

Thanks M/P, I am smiling writing this, you helped me get it in context.

Why would you want to be friends with somebody who doesn't see it as reciprocal????????????

Give it no more thought, and avoid him from now on.


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« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 08:35:23 PM »
Write: ouch.  I would have some hurt feelings over that one.  ouch again!What a jerk.
Now imagine you do not even know this person....except what you have heard from others: that he is an a**h***.
You would most likely decide that he is not someone you would like to know.
Now imagine it really is that way. (it is!).  He is not someone you would like to know.
Imagine flushing his rage, his nastiness, HIM down a giant sized toilet.
Now focus on the people who are nice in this world.....imagine getting to know them and HAVE FUN!!!!
You don't need this guy anywhere in your thoughts, never mind your vicinity!!


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setback, setback, setback
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2005, 10:10:24 PM »
Oh, write, what a silly conceited ass this poor creature is! Strutting around like a little bantam rooster, thinking how big and great he is for pushing you away. What a pathetic, hollow, empty, hurtful excuse for a human being.

Take mum's advice (along with a tall glass of your favorite beverage or a goblet of strawberries with cream or a hot tub and a good book...) but make sure you flush twice... it's a long way down to where this clown deserves to be.

And then rejoice at the fact that you no longer have to waste any of your precious time, energy, and goodness on this total loser.

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:


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setback, setback, setback
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2005, 07:40:48 PM »
Dear Write:

I would agree to the first part of Mud's nickname for him! :shock: But oh nevermind.

He is not worthy to walk in your footsteps, 40 yards behind!!

That was mean and rude and crude and totally Nish!!

Sorry you had to experience all that and hope you will dismiss him with double the speed he has done you.

There are lot's of nice people in the world who would be honoured to be your friend and I am one of them!!




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setback, setback, setback
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2005, 09:20:53 AM »
Sounds like another one of my foot in mouth posts.

There are lot's of nice people in the world who would be honoured to be your friend and I am one of them!!

Should be:

There are lot's of nice people in the world who would be honoured to be your friend.

I am a person who would be honoured to be your friend.

Didn't mean to indicate that I'm some special, nice person.

 :oops:  :oops:  :oops:



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« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2005, 09:30:37 AM »

Didn't mean to indicate that I'm some special, nice person.

I'm so glad you clarified this, so I can continue to think of you as evil and mean.   :roll:   You're so funny sometimes (well, actually quite often, at least when you are not being mean and nasty).  :lol:



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well as you know
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2005, 10:18:47 PM »
I'm especially attracted to horrible mean people!!!
At least that's been the pattern so far...

Of course you're nice and special! And why is it wrong to say so? You're not British by any chance???!

Say after me 100 times ' I am special...' :)


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your friend
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2005, 05:43:46 AM »

I read your friends letter to you.

May I ask without any intention of being offensive,

Did any of his comments about you ring true to you?
Did anything at all strike a chord as having some meaning or reality?

Why I ask is that is I've read it a couple of times and when I read it I sense a touch of honesty from the writer. It seemd to me that he was constant in his position and understanding and feelings.

In no way am I criticising you. I repeat No way. But there was what seemed to me to be such an honest element of communication  :oops:  Sigh..... I'm struggling here and I realize I'm probably going to get drawn and quartered for saying that.

Just a thought from a serioulsy non-provocature.



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« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2005, 08:29:41 AM »
I feel so sorry for you to have met this person... But be happy that he is not in your life anymore! You say that you keep meeting these types, but just try to see them as opportunities to learn, and at least you didn't waste too much time on this one! :D

I don't agree with you, calling one phonecall an invasion of your home sounds waaay out of proportion. And if you don't want to be friends with someone there are much nicer ways of saying it, the mail sounded unnecessarily aggressive to me... Sorry, I know you directed your question to Write, I just wanted to validate her. No offense meant to you either. And I do understand why you're asking... We all need to take a look at our own behaviour once in a while, although some of us tend to look too much at ourselves and blame ourselves for other people's behaviour... Which I think is quite common among us Nsurvivors, and so I wanted Write to know that I believe in her... I'm going to stop writing/rambling now, I'm a bit tired today and I fear that I'm not being too coherent... Oh well, I mean well anyway! :D  :wink:   :roll:
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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setback, setback, setback
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2005, 08:49:07 AM »
I agree with Sleepy, sorry John.  No offense to you either.

Write wrote:
Of course you're nice and special! And why is it wrong to say so? You're not British by any chance???!

Say after me 100 times ' I am special...'

Thankyou Write.  And same to you.  No, I'm not British.  I'm one of those great white northerners, a Canadian.

And you are right Write (heehee)!  Say ater me 100 times "I am special..."

Also, "I will meet many nice, special people from now on who value my friendship."




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« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2005, 04:49:43 PM »
write, I read this persons reply to you from the start of this thread again.  It sounds as though this person was afraid to be honest with you about their wants and feelings and then exploded on you when they didn't get what they wanted.  (you to leave, yuck!)  That is their fear and lack of boundaries to work on.  I hope you don't take ANY responsibility for any of that.

It also made me wonder.  If this person was not saying that they wanted you to leave, were they also NOT saying that they wanted you around?  Oh, not directly of course.  But saying things like "I'm so glad to see you!" and seeming like they mean it or asking how you are and when you say fine they say something like, "No, really.  How are you?" with concern and understanding goes a long way in relationships.  If they weren't saying things like this to you, why would you settle for being around them in the first place?  I may be reading too much into this, but I am curious.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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I've sort-of moved on from this
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2005, 10:53:39 PM »
so I don't want to really think about it much more. I tend to obsess about things like this.

I can be very intense sometimes, people with bipolar are,  but no, he and I seemed friendly enough, he got me a gift at christmas and when we've seen each other around he seemed friendly. We've not seen much of each other, and as I say that's the only time I ever called him.

When I discussed it with the therapist she said it seems like I've unwittingly made him angry.

I wonder now if he felt I didn't give him the respect or adulation which he thinks his social position merits? I never considered he might want celebrity treatment.

I really don't understand, and probably never will. I'm not going to think about it any more.

While I'm making my new life I'm giving myself permission to make some mistakes along the way and try to deal with them honestly and learn from them. But not obsessively worry as I have in the past. I've started to ask myself will this matter in ten years time, and if the answer is no then I need to forget about it. I've spent the last thirty years waiting for the sky to fall in whenever I made a's time to go easier on myself.

Not everything is going to work out, not everyone is going to like me, and- a breakthrough- a rejection isn't going to kill me either!