perhaps an overvaluing as karen horney
of some of the defense techniques that
children have to resort to from an onslaught
upon their spiritual being...
and why different children get different onslaughts
that are not always immediately obvious to all...
is an interesting part
plus the past lives of most kids...
occasionally there is a newby
like me
an angel who desires to be more effective
and thus choses to be born gasp
as a human oh my
what was i thinking

divine energy
now mind u gives a newborn
a shellacking of innocence
which if the parents and society
properly nourish strengthens the child
when its previous karma becomes active
as it matures..
say at the bar mitvah

but when parents do not respect the divine
innocence given to all new borns
well then it can be more difficult to deal with
the old karma when it comes more into the open..
but even then the onslaughts can be turned into lessons
briefly narcissism has to do with unhealthy self-image
and can be mixed with unhealthy assertion...
and some other mixtures
that is somewhat treated i think
in npa theory by anthony benis
tho he gets kind of goofy at points
if i have time i might try to help straighten him out..
u know slay him in the spirit or something:)