Author Topic: theory as2 changing face of narcissism as2 generation cycles  (Read 1144 times)


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there are various theories of cycles of generational changes..
one put forth fairly recently is of a repeated cycle
consisting of 4 generation types that repeat to make a full cycle..
at one point there comes what is called a fourth turning
that involves a major rending of old social ways....

and i got to thinkin
at the fourth turning
 put as beginning about 2005
and taking more than a several years..

and during such a time as a fourth turning
that as the terms of positive self image of a society
might go under a major change
that narcissists operate i think
not as consciously maliciously
as psychopaths or sociopaths
such that narcissists would be more exposed
while psychopaths might operate better
and be more apt to know how to play to the new
positive social images
and one of the positive ones seems to me
might be to some be the psychopathic personality
as a model of finding success and happiness
in such trying times/

tho they might often avoid the term psychopathic in some cases
but in other cases make bold and proclaim it as the best model//

which begs the question ifn sam v.
is really a narcissist or a psyhcopath ...
but actually the ways this stuff might work might be
rather fluid often
and the distinction between narcissist and psychopath
during such times
might not need be necessarily distinct in some of the above terms :)

also i was a wonderin
during such change in social values
some of those who point out the flaws of narcissism
might be those who are more apt at psychopathic skills
of the new order...
either hiding such pyschopathic nature
or bragging about it
according to what seems might best work
in a given situation