Hi all:
Hey John:
...as an adult, I have no more power and control over NPD people that I had as a child.
Do you mean you had/have no power/control over the harm they caused to you/are causing you, or the behaviours, or both??
As a child, I think I felt ......like I had no power to stop the behaviour of those who hurt me, no way to control when the next episode might occur....helpless/powerless to stop what was happening to me and others in my family.
But inside.....for some reason......I decided, even as a kid, that I was in charge of my inside (that's the way I thought then....now I would use the more adult word....mind or brain). So in a way, I felt I had secret power and control.....they could hurt me in some ways, on the outside, but they could not hurt me inside and they didn't even know it!
But I would have loved to have been able to stop the behaviours that were causing damage.....taken control......had the power to end it.
I have to be honest. I would have done it in a minute!!!
As an adult.......as embarrassing as it is,

, as N as it sounds, if I had the power to stop people from behaving so as to hurt others, to be in control of that, to end it..........I would do it, I think, fast and furiously. I don't know if I would love it, as I thought I would as a kid, but I really think I would take control, be powerful, and save those who are suffering, given the chance.
And if I could stop those people who have caused/are causing me personal harm, I think I might do that quick as a flash, and maybe talk about all my N problems at some later date. It just seems natural to me to want/sich to save myself/others from sick behaviours.
The reality is.....ofcourse.....no one can take control, or be powerful over anyone else....unless anyone else chooses to submit. The chances of N's submitting to as much as a lice check are pretty slim.
Still........it's a nice fantasy!!