Author Topic: How do you protect yourself?  (Read 3305 times)


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How do you protect yourself?
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2005, 10:40:26 AM »
Brigid: I am glad for you in being "the better person" (IMO) in extending yourself, at least in a birthday card, to your ex.

I attempted this at one point.  
When my second marriage was not doing so well, in no small part to my wanting to be a better person (he did not, he wanted to drink and run away from his issues) I decided I would be the one to put out the olive branch, as it were, to my first husband and his wife.  I did this mainly because I was sick of watching how uncomfortable my children were when it came to my relationship with their dad and I was sick of having so much tension in my life.
So it started with a chair that was in my house in sight from the front door.  My first ex noticed it once when dropping off the children.  It was an unusual wooden chair, that his uncle had given him.   I said, "you should have this chair, I don't know why you didn't take it 6-7 years ago, but you should take it now".
He got all embarrassed and said "no, I'm not taking furniture out of your house".  So the next day, I took it over to his house.  He and his wife were flabbergasted.  I simply said, "this is your's, you should have it".

I thought I had started a good thing.  A healing as it were.  Tensions eased after that, or so I thought UNTIL: I had the audacity to want to get on with my life and move away from here.  Although he was in another country at the time and for much of each year, all hell broke loose and many court hours and an unGodly amount of attorney's fees later, I am still here.

So you see....if I had stuck with a chair, a birthday card, something benign, that didn't go against his permission, his control, his wants, everything would still be hunky dory.  This kindness on my part, by the way, was brought up by his attorney in court, to say what a bitch I was, and how could I possibly "DO THIS" (what, want my own life?) to a man I was "friends" with (who did and does whatever he wants, and now can, with the courts permission...but I digress).

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket.  I don't regret the chair.....I just realize that with an N, kindness doesn't matter, and if it can be, it will be used against you, if they so deem.


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How do you protect yourself?
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2005, 10:53:20 AM »
I just realize that with an N, kindness doesn't matter, and if it can be, it will be used against you, if they so deem.


But kindness can kill them sometimes too.  And maybe kindness is what you want to teach your children?  So they won't be like the N?

And kindness is your gift that you are soooo lucky to be able to share.

Unlike the poor, pathetic N that hasn't got a clue about how to be kind or for what purpose.

And kindness suits you so much better than anything else, Mum.
Because it comes naturally too you and because you wear it well.

I'm sorry he's such a ........(insert nasty name here)!!

You aren't!!

That's the wonderful thing!   You are kind and think to be kind and feel like being kind and try to be kind and start out being kind and take a risk by being kind....

But he.........the poor loser........has an empty soul.  His gifts are pain and cruelty and jealousy and all kinds of nasty stuff.

He'll get his rewards for sharing them too.   And you'll get yours Mum.



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How do you protect yourself?
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2005, 11:39:18 AM »
Thanks, GFN.  It just doesn't matter, as my fiance tells me.  Be kind because you are kind, but don't expect it will have a positive influence on him.... and I agree.  But it does have a positive influence on my children. They are kind people.
I really believe that the best thing for them, would be to get away from him, but I could never, ever say this in court....or to them.....just to you guys, ok?

That said, my kids may just learn the stuff I am learning in middle age about having a voice, standing up for themselves.....if he doesn't damage them too much in the process.....