My probably N younger brother is getting married to his girlfriend of 6?? 7?? 8 years?? On the Indian subcontinent. And we are invited.

Along with Nmum and codad, Nbrother and wife and 3 boys. To share a plane for 8 hours, then another for a further 2 hours, then a flat for 2 weeks. Followed by UK wedding (or not) and party a fortnight later. NYbrother sees no problem with any of this, and is sure it will all happen. Characteristically he says that his girlfriend can organise the ISC wedding, and we can organise the UK one, and he will just have to turn up.
Very N.
Meanwhile, he doesn't know whether he wants a church wedding, a register office or a church blessing. But one thing he wants is a record at the UK record office so that anyone doing genealogy in 100 years time can find his certificate of marriage, which they would not do if he marries only abroad.

I found it impossible not to laugh at that
very N statement. But I said, if you want a record, it has to be a wedding. Then he said he was not really thinking of anything but a party. How can you reason with people like this????
Trying to talk mum and dad out of going, and into just attending the UK bit, as they have already been to this brother's place. But dad is very keen to go, and says it will be much easier to travel all together. I said I thought the opposite, because everyone feels obliged to look after everyone else, and nobody is ever happy.
He said there is the option of an overnight hotel stay part way there, but it isn't worth stopping half way, even though it is a very long, very tiring journey. I said I disagree; if there is an overnight stay I will take it every time; why kill yourself getting there?
Daughter is very keen to go. I can't see a way to go and spend so much time with my family, and the more I think about it the worse it all gets.
Need to check out her health anyway, and see what she is up to. May be jabs and such that she cannot cope with at present. Then we could go (on our own) next year instead. Much better!! Parents are very old and may not be able to get insurance. Well, I can only hope ...
The only possible way I can see myself managing to go, would be with myself, daughter and older brother only in ISC (stopping at hotel en route), then all family in UK for party. Nothing wrong with that.