The damage that NPD people do is like organised crime - it can only continue as long as others agree to look the other way.
The 'enabler' allows the damage to progress and deepen by passively living in a kind of denial about the extent of the problem.
My mother is a classic example -she came from an alcoholic family and married my father who was a brutal ,cruel abuser who waged psychological war at home. I am an army brat. She stood by and watched because ,"he was a good provider" ( of her needs) . She had four children and had a nervous breakdown when I was 4 years old and defends him to this day even though he has been dead 11 years. She is a feeble weakling who always avoided any 'tough stuff', prefering to live her life in the 'fluff zone'.
Between my four siblings and I, we have accumulated -seven marriages, six divorces, alcoholism and substance abuse, bipolar disorder, several varieties of anxiety disorders, cancer, NPD, hypertension and one case of bankruptcy. She still refuses to see that our difficulties have any connection to our parenting.