I'd love to see that article!
From what I can gather, narcissists beget narcissists beget narcissists:
My Nmom seems to have developed NPD as a defense mechanism against childhood abuse from her Nmom. She never had a voice, and she chose to react to that by making herself the centre of everything once she was an adult. Her lack of voice led to her sense of entitlement (ie "I was abused, the world owes me everything now"), she learned to knowingly lie to protect herself especially when she felt cornered (ie "A little white lie never hurts"), she developed a grandiose view of herself as an escape from her real life (ie "I am adopted, but my real parents were famous doctors and royalty, I am better than everyone"), she was over-criticised, so she learned to shut out all criticism (ie "you're not gonna walk all over me").
And her N traits, in turn, robbed me of my voice. I always saw myself as the complete victim, but now I see how I have taken on some traits. For instance, she was heavily criticised, which made her unable to accept criticism and highly critical of me because that was the example she had seen. I became unwilling to accept criticism and have spent several years trying to learn that there really is such a thing as constructive criticism.
It's a vicious cycle.....