Author Topic: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.  (Read 14229 times)


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #60 on: July 24, 2005, 02:52:03 AM »
Update Midday of July the 24th: I went down to see Symone early this morning to get her ready for a treatment by Adam at 10:30 am local time. She was bright and alert when I got there and was biting very little this time. She was very chatty, talking almost non stop. A lot of it I couldn't quite catch what she was saying, and sometimes the stuff I did catch seemed non-relevant to anything going on at the time. She seemed to be talking about past events a lot. For example she talked about a night out with her friends, the time we lived in America, and she also talked about a recent family vacation we took to Queensland.

When it came to the time for the distant healing she seemed to understand what was going on. "He's visiting in my mind?" she asked. I said yes. I told her to visualise herself getting well and strong and she said, "I can do that." She was relatively calm and quiet during the 15 minute treatment, and started talking again after it had finished.

I was fortunate to have one of the chief Neuro Surgeons come into her room while I was there and I asked her about her progress. He said she is doing well and said that the young mind can heal very quickly sometimes. I asked him about a couple of areas of concern we had. For example she hadn't been seeing a lot of movement in her right leg the last few days. Her left leg moves a lot but we only seem to be getting very minor movements in her right leg. He said her strength will come back in time. We just have to be patient. I asked him about the biting and her sometimes erratic arm movements, and he said that when patients awaken from a brain injury they often revert to baby like behaviour and the biting is a very young instinct. He said the more primitive parts of the brain awaken first and the higher and more advanced functions will slowly awaken and return in time. So, all in all she is doing very well.

I got my first laugh out of today too. We were outside watching the ducks playing in the pond. She said, "There's, like, heaps of them. I didn't know there'd be so many." I was very pleased to hear her talk so coherently, so I gave her a hug and kiss and asked, "Do you know how much Daddy loves you?" She asked, "How much?" I said heaps and stacks. She asked again in a more questioning tone, "How much?" I replied "157," and she smiled and laughed.

I was so pleased to see her first smile. Our dear Symone is awakening in leaps and bounds.



                                               HASAN PAL


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #61 on: July 24, 2005, 11:23:42 AM »
Phillip, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your posting these updates on Symone's condition.  I told my mother about her accident, and my mother--who despite her many faults sometimes comes through--decided to dedicate this year's St. Ann's Novena to Symone's recovery.  The novena has been going on this past week and concludes Tuesday, on the Feast of St. Ann.  My  mother has asked me several times this week how Symone is, and I have said I didn't know, but now I will be able to tell her that Symone's recovery is progressing and she is present in the world.  That is indeed miraculous.

So thank you, Phillip.



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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #62 on: July 24, 2005, 01:22:15 PM »

I would like to share two updates here concerning Symone which I believe places her situation in a spiritual context.  I hope that this does not offend anyone.  I have been limiting my updates recently because earlier David, Symone's father set up a web site for her, and I have posted that URL on this thread for anyone who would care to follow his updates, firsthand.  I do wish to comment on a couple of occurances that have astounded me this week however.

As some of you may be aware, I have been studying astrology for a number of years.  David gratiously submitted Symone's birth information to me a couple of weeks ago and I ran a natal chart on her.  What I learned and communicated to him was that she had been a follower.  Due to some esteem issues, she was allowing others to dictate her direction in life, and her associates were not leading her down her "path".  But she came into this life to lead.  Her chart revealed a powerful spiritual destiny, with some strong indicators of clairvoyance.  Prior to her accident, she apparently exhibited nothing like this.  She was drunk, with her friends when she fell.  I also told David that her chart indicated that she would have a very strong sense of gratitude toward life and people and God globally.  I believe that when she realizes how many people, the world over, have been praying and rooting for her recovery, she will be overwhelmed by the effort on her behalf.  I am not exaggerating when I say that she literally has thousands praying for her now.  Taking all that I have said above, now read the following post, and you will see why I was moved to post this.  Please remember, I e mailed David this astrological information about 12 hours prior to this occurance.

Update Evening Of July the 21st: The visit with Symone tonight was awesome! We are seeing miracles happen before our very eyes! There's no other words to describe it. I went down with Jaye, her twin sister, and another family friend, Greg Albrecht. The difference in her from yesterday was remarkable. She was a lot calmer and nowhere near as fidgety as she had been, although she still had this tendency to want to bite things. And during our visit she was talking up a storm.

Jaye asked her if she knew who she was and Symone replied very clearly, in her regular voice, "Jaye." Jaye had tears in her eyes when she said that. Then a little while later she said to Symone, "I love you so much," and Symone replied very clearly, "I love you too." Then Symone started reaching out for hugs, in her still shaky movements, and we both had really long hugs with her. It was very moving.

Then she kept on saying, "I'm sorry." She must have said it 3-4 times and we told her she had nothing to be sorry about. It was an accident. We told her she would get better and at first she replied ,"No." We repeated it and then she asked "How?" We explained to her that her mind would heal all by itself in time and the doctors were helping her. Finally she accepted the reassurance we were giving her and said "OK."

I told Symone she had got some lovely flowers from a dear friend in Texas, Kathy Jefferies, and she said "Did I?" She was pleased and had recognition of the friend, even though the girls hadn't seen her for many years. Halfway through our visit, Symone said "I'm tired." She started yawning and rubbing her eyes. Then, at one time when she was trying to bite Jaye, Jaye said, "You cant bite me," and Symone said "Why not?" Jaye asked her if she was hurting and Symone replied, "Yes."

Finally, when we decided to leave so she could get some sleep, Symone said a really strange thing. She said "Ghost." Jaye asked her what she said and she said it again, "Ghost." Jaye asked her what she meant by that and she simply replied, "I said it." Then, as we were about to leave, she clearly didn't want us to go because she said  "Why are you leaving? Why are you doing this?" We kissed her goodbye and she closed her eyes.

It was a truly amazing visit and I now have no doubt that Symone will make a full recovery. By the way, she ate all her dinner again tonight. We are so proud of her. Go Symone!


The reason I found this update so profound, is because it was the right hemisphere of the brain that was so severely damaged.  The part of the brain associated with the subconscious, metaphor and symbols.  It is believed that much of our spiritual connection is related to this area also.  I told David to be aware that as she is rewired, she may experience new levels of awareness, different frequencies, that were unavailable to her prior to the accident.
     I knew a woman years ago who was born with these gifts.  Her father, a lawyer, was not comfortable about it.  Over the years, as she was growing up, they managed to condition her out of it with negative input.
Then, when she was 18, she suffered a massive stroke, required brain surgery, and was left with one side partially paralyzed, and unable to speak.  She had to learn how to talk again, and underwent serious physical therapy to regain about 95% of normal physical ability.  The curious thing, after her stroke her clairvoyance had returned more powerful than ever.  I shared this story because I personally believe that this is precisely what just happened to Symone.  For whatever reason, she was NOT on her path, and now she is.  There is one other incident that occured a couple of days ago that left me quite speechless and I will remember the words for the rest of my life.  It is actually a sound clip of David and his daughter talking.  She says 4 words, that reveals a perspective so profound and so Buddhist in its import, that I still can not believe that it came out of an 18 year old, and really makes me wonder at the miracle that I see here.  I will post the URL here so you can download it and listen for yourself.  I hope that it moves you as it did me.  Thanks for listening.  Peace all.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #63 on: July 24, 2005, 01:33:21 PM »
For those of you who are interested but having any trouble getting to the url, here is a transcript of the audio.

Audio Of Symone Talking

Tape 23rd of July 2005
Download mp3 file here

Segment One:
David: "Did any friends come into today?"
Symone: "Yes."
David: "Who came in today?"
Symone: "Lisa, and other people."

Segment Two:
David: "Did you enjoy seeing Jaye today?"
Symone: "She got angry."
David: "No, she didnt get angry. No. No-one's angry at you sweetie."

Segment Three:
Symone: "I'm alive."
David: "Yes, you're alive."
Symone: "At least I'm alive."

Segment Four:
David: "So tell me what you've been doing today Symone."
Symone: "They've been treating me well."

Segment Five:
Symone: "This tragedy's a dream."(This is the line that kinda stunned me)
David: "This tragedy's a dream."
Symone: "I'm sorry."

Segment Six:
Symone: " ???? that recorder ???"
David: "That recorder. I'm recording everything."
Symone: "OK."
David: "Is that OK if I record?"
Symone: "Yes."
David: "Do you know why. I'm going to try and find some reversals."
Symone: "Yes. I can let you do that."

Segment Seven:
Jeff: "Are you afraid?"
Symone: "A little bit, yeah."
Jeff: "You don't have to be afraid, you're very safe here."
Symone: "OK."

Segment Eight:
Symone: "And I always get into trouble for ????"
David: "You don't get into trouble sweetie."
Symone: "I do."
Jeff: "You're not in trouble now."
Symone: "Yeah but I should be."
David: Huh?"
Symone: "I should be."
Jeff: "I should be, why?"
Symone: "Getting into trouble."

Segment Nine:
Jeff: "Doctor says in a month you'll be walking back in here."
Symone: "Yes. Will I?"
Jeff: "Yes you will."
Symone: "How do you know?"
Jeff: "Because that's what he said."

Segment Ten:
Friend: "Symone, I promise you, pinky promise, that we'll come back tomorrow, OK?"
Symone: "OK."
Friend: "I love you."
Symone: "I love you more."

Segment Eleven:
Friend: "Hi Symone."
Symone: "Hullo."
Friend: "How ya doing, you're looking great."
Symone: "Thanks."
Friend: "You're coming along so well."
Symone: "Yes."
Friend: "How ya feeling?"
Symone: "Like, excited."
David: "Like excited?"
Symone: "Cos youse are coming and stuff."
Jeff: "Good job sweetie."
Symone: "OK."
Friend: "You're doing fantastic."
Symone: "You came like this before?"
Friend: "Yeah we came the other day to see you."
Symone: "Yes."
Jeff: "You remember that?"
Friend: "Can you remember us coming and seeing you the other day?"
Symone: "No."
Friend: "That's all right."
Symone: "I'm sorry."

Segment Twelve:
Jeff: "And Annie did your nails for you."
Symone: "When?"
Jeff: "About 3 days ago."
Symone: "You can't tell, can ya?"
Jeff: "Not now."
Symone: "??? my nails."
Jeff: "Look at your nails."
Symone: "???? She remembered them."
Jeff: "She didn't put any polish on them."
Symone: "She didn't."

Segment Thirteen:
Symone: "I try not to, like, be annoying."
David: "You're not annoying sweetie, you're doing just great. Everyone is here to help."

Segment Fourteen:
Jeff: "Is your mouth feeling better now?"
Symone: "No."
Jeff: "No?"
Symone: "I dont feel the best."


                                               HASAN PAL


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #64 on: July 24, 2005, 09:19:28 PM »
she should have died


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #65 on: July 24, 2005, 09:30:15 PM »
What an ungenerous response.  I would hope that you can find it in your heart to pass through wherever that comes from.  She did not die.  She should have lived, and she did.  There are no mistakes.  Only ignorance and fear in man.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #66 on: July 24, 2005, 09:38:49 PM »
Ben, do you mean "what a miracle she didn't die given her injuries"....?

It was hard to decipher your response.

Phillip-- I am so happy your friend is doing well.  I know brain injuries take a long time to heal from, and I wish her the best on this journey.

You never said how in the world she fell that far at the mall-- not that it matters, but it seems so odd there would be something so dangerous there.  Now that I am having a child I am noticing that the world holds so many perils...


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #67 on: July 25, 2005, 07:22:13 PM »
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Update Evening of July the 25th: Breathtaking! Absolutely breathtaking! I cant think of any other words to describe Symone's recovery. Her rapid re-awakening is quite literally the talk of the hospital.

When we went in to see her tonight, she was sitting halfway up on her own accord, quite calm and lucid. No biting, no agitation and her voice was strong with no hint of a whisper. This was Symone's voice I was hearing and it was my little girl who greeted me with a nice solid "Hi guys!"

She was moving her body forward into an almost sitting position, not quite yet, but she must surely be only a couple of days away from it. And apparently just before we came in she said she wanted to go to the toilet and tried to get out of bed to go! I went to feed her one of her thickened drinks and she grabbed the cup with her hand, held it to up to her mouth with steady hand movements and drank it all up all by herself! Then she wanted another one. I filled the cup, gave it to her again and she also drank it up all by herself. Simply stunning!

One of her friends came in while I was there and asked her if she knew who he was, and Symone just laughed this little wicked laugh as though she was saying, Of course I do, then she said "Yes." She said lots of other things too, all relevant and to the point with no hint of some of the wild erratic statements she was making even yesterday.

This is surely a miracle of huge magnitude!

When it finally came time for us to go because she was getting tired and wanted to sleep, I reached down to give her a hug goodbye and she threw her arms around me, patted me on the back and gave me a huge kiss, saying "I love you."

Tomorrow we will take some photos and video of her to put on her website. I was waiting till she was better before I did this because I wanted people to see her well and not sick as she was. Well, the time has come and she said it was OK too, because i asked her if it was.

Till tomorrow everyone.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #68 on: July 25, 2005, 08:51:11 PM »
Wonderful news!  So glad to hear it!! :D :D :D :D



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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2005, 02:42:10 PM »

« Last Edit: July 26, 2005, 02:43:41 PM by phillip »

                                               HASAN PAL


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Re: A Friend of ours' daughter fell 70 ft. today and could die.
« Reply #70 on: August 10, 2005, 10:56:02 AM »
Update Late Afternoon of August the 10th: Symone was transferred to the "Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit" in Hampstead Road, Northfield today. I arrived at the hospital at 8:30 this morning to be with her all the way through the transfer. She was a little restless and agitated when I arrived and remained this way on and off for most of the day. She was pleased to see me though and said she felt safe when I was around. I explained to her again that she was being transferred to Rehab this morning and although she was little confused about it she seemed to eventually understand. 

She ate all her breakfast and the ambulance arrived at 10 am to take her out to the Rehab, located on the other side of town. I followed along behind the ambulance in my car and Symone was waving to me from the back of the ambulance for the whole trip. Upon her arrival she was taken straight to her room next to the nurses station and a whole barrage of people descended on her - nurses to settle her in and support staff to take details. I was taken into another room by the head of the unit and explained some of the routine that she will follow.

She will be worked very hard the first week by physiotherapy and occupational therapy and speech pathology and medical staff etc., as they try to assess her current situation and map out the best form of treatment for her. It is a very proactive program and their entire emphasis is to actively rehabilitate the person and prepare them for normal everyday life. After a week of assessments there will be a family meeting with me and her Grandparents as we jointly lay out realistic goals and strategise the best ways to achieve them. I was very impressed with the program and was given a flow chart of what to expect. Click her to see that chart.

After that meeting I went back into her room. Her Grandparents arrived soon after with her all stuff and we actively decorated the room with cards and Teddy Bears and all her little nick knacks. The entire room was transformed into "Symone's pad". A male nurse then arrived and began to fill out charts, asking Symone basic questions about her general health and vision and hearing and whether she had pain anywhere plus other routine medical questions. Some of the questions she knew the answers to and others she didn't. I helped her out with the ones she didn't know. She was a little confused about where she actually was and thought she was still at the hospital. We explained to her several times about the transfer and she seemed to get it after a while.

When the male nurse left, her speech pathologist arrived with her lunch. What a wonderful woman she was! I was in awe as I watched her work with her. This was to be only the first person I was to be in awe of today. In a very short while she had Symone sitting up straight in the bed the whole way, of her own accord and unassisted, and even leaning over towards her to get the cheese sandwich she had for her. As she usually does, Symone initially said she didn't want to eat (I usually feed her anyway), but the pathologist said what if I eat half and you eat half. Symone agreed to this, took the sandwich and ate half of it. The pathologist did a few other things and then left. I fed her desert after that and she ate it all up.

She was still restless after eating so I brought the whiteboard over to her with the blue marker and asked her to write her name again. Symone did this quite legibly, although just a little shaky. She then wrote my name, her Grandparents name, her home phone number and, after a little prompting, I asked her to write "Rehab" on the board because that's where she now was. She did all of this quite attentively and had no restlessness or agitation at all while she performed this task. Maybe all her restless is just boredom and she simply needs to have her mind occupied. After this she fell asleep for an hour.

Then her occupational  therapist arrived in the room and she was also an equally impressive woman. While Symone was asleep she asked us some basic questions about Symone's general progress until Symone finally woke up. She introduced herself to Symone and asked her if she had any questions for her. Symone asked a most appropriate question saying, "Yes, I'd like to know how long it will be before I get better." I was most impressed with that coherent question. The Occupational Therapist replied by saying, "We don't know yet." Symone seemed to accept that answer.

The physiotherapist was the next person to arrive and she was simply lovely! I am so impressed with all the staff there and their compassion and competence. She asked us general questions about Symone's physical dexterity - what she can and can't do. We discussed Symone's right leg which is now fully contracted again into a severe bent up position. She explained that there are various options available to straighten it including plastering if it that becomes necessary. We will know more after her first week.

Finally the unit's doctor came in and officially admitted her. She explained to us various options regarding her treatment but also some practical stuff like Access Cabs for her eventual day visits home, and handicap parking etc. We asked her permission to get Symone onto Glyco Nutrients, a very powerful alternate remedy that aids cell regeneration and communication between cells. It has had awesome results in brain injury and stroke patients plus a whole host of other ailments. Click here for more information about Glyco Nutrients. The doctor seemed open to this and took the bottle of "Ambrotose" (a Glyco Nutrient), that I had bought in, to check into it more and test it. She will let us know.

We eventually left the Rehab centre in the late afternoon for the 55 minute drive home knowing that a very important phase in Symone's rehabilitation had just begun.

                                               HASAN PAL