Hello Plucky:
After a limb is amputated, there is often something that occurs called: Phantum Pain.
It's a pain the person imagines is coming from the limb that is gone, the limb that has been amputated. This pain feels very real for the person who has lost a limb....so real.....it's a very odd thing. There is no limb, yet the person feels pain from it. Very strange indeed. Phantum pain is actually caused by the nerve endings, where they have been cut from the removed limb. The impression is that the limb is paining, but the realitiy is the nerves are sending weird signals to the brain.
It's possible, your pain is a bit like phantum pain, in that ..the cause...seems to be a horrible event....the rape.... which is like the missing limb....it's gone.....it's over......yet there still seems to be pain? It's very confusing. You faced your fears and yet the pain continues. You looked and saw that the limb is gone, but the pain is still there.
It is also possible that the messages your mother was giving you, as per the "Are you pretty" thread, the messages that devalued you, caused you to feel unworthy, unlovable, deserving of being treated badly.....all of that is like the nerve endings....sending the weird signals to the brain.....telling it a false message.....trying to make it think the limb is still there....the message that this is all because of the rape......when the actual cause of the pain....originates in those sneaky little nerve endings.....those messages from your mother from long ago.
Does that make any sence?
So what to do then? The limb is gone and yes, a prosthesis is a great idea.....it will help make you feel whole again, get you up and moving, but those darn nerve endings won't quit giving you pain unless you deal with them. How?
By thickening up the skin covering the stump where the limb was removed from (some of the nerve endings causing pain are in the skin, so if the skin gets thicker, it will lessen the discomfort by protecting the nerve endings some).
How again?
By putting specific and increasing pressure on that stump end, until the skin toughens up.
In the case of your mother's messages, this means crawling around on them for awhile, putting pressure on them, staanding on them, (to find their true meaning...not the one your mother intended...but the underlying N reasons for saying such things..and more so...the effect of her words on you), a little at a time, and soon the skin will be thick enough for a new prosthesis to be worn for short periods, then longer and longer.
Answer: yes, yes, and yes. You are very perceptive. Your comments are so spot on.
Thanks Plucky. I'm just guessing a lot of the time. Sometimes it makes sense to people, other times, not. Thankyou, though, for the compliment and I'm glad stuff is making sense to you. If it helps....that's all that matters.
I don't like to think of you feeling this deep rage, bubbling inside, being contained.....for a lifetime....or until it explodes! That doesn't sound good for you, for your marriage, or especially for your children.
So toughen up that skin on that missing limb, Plucky. It will hurt to really put pressure on the past and see what awful, harmful, painful messages were given to you but it will also make everything clearer, the twisted messages, the lies, which can then be disposed of by you.
Squash those messages, one by one, walk on them, step on them, stand on them.....they are all lies. You are a lovable person who deserves love, respect, kindness, caring and you are worthy of those things....you deserve them. Kill the phantum messages from the nerve endings and the phantum pain will disappear, squash the twisted messages and make new tapes. This may really help you, is my best bet.
Thanks to this board, I am able to really start healing. I should be ready for a prosthesis any day now.
That's a good attitude! Good for you Plucky!