Ok....... speaking of necks in woods and weird spider stories I gotta tell ya this one!
Waaaaaaaay up here in the great white north, not too long ago, there was a girl I knew, who was getting married. Two weeks before her wedding she was busy washing fruit at the kitchen sink (at her mom's house-don't ask

), cleaning bananas to be exact, (up here they tell us to wash all fruit, even bananas 'cause you never know what you might find

). Anyway, she had a t-towel slung over her shoulder but the darn t-towel slipped off, into the sink, for a moment, so she picked it back up and threw it back over her shoulder, and continued cleaning the fruit.
A few minutes later she felt something pinch her neck but it didn't really hurt and so she paid it no mind. Half an hour later, her neck felt all tingly and sore so she looked in the mirror and saw a small red dot and the skin around it ...oh say...5-6 inches ....all reddish and puffy. An hour later, she was covered in red dots, red, red skin, which puffed out from below her ear to below her under arm pit. Off to emerg she went, hysterically!!
Guest what it was? A black widow spider!!!

Yessum! Up here in these here parts apparently there are plenty of 'em, according to the doc in emerg. They've been here well over 15 years now....came in on....you got it.......fruit from some hot country (not to be named so as to not place blame where it can't be known....very un-N that doc was). I guess those critters don't really need real hot places to live or somehow they've adapted to cold, cold winters.....or......I hate to think which cracks in which places those fellas go to hide from the cold!!!
Anyhow....the poor girly was put on whatever meds they put a person on for that and she watched her skin turn all kinds of weird colours finally settling on a not so lovely deep dark bluish bruisey colour, which was at it's peak just about 2 weeks later, when she was being married and which did indeed clash very well with her lovely wedding gown (as it would.....annnny wedding gown, I bet).
Poor thing. Saw her wedding pictures. She could have won America's Not so Funniest videos, had she had a video, and if there were a show like that.
Which only goes to show that you never can tell what kind of spider you might find where. In other words, maybe it's not necessary, afterall to travel all the way to Auzzie's house...to meet some of the varmits native to there. All that's really needed is to purchase some product that comes from there abouts and by chance...the chance will arise.
Got me off bananas for quite some time after that.
And I neeeeeeeevvvvvvvvver put a t-towel over my shoulder any more, working near the sink, either!!