Hi Mum:
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you here. I don't look at this board very often.
so why isn't absolute happiness possible?
I suppose it depends on how one defines absolute. If I think of it as:
perfect, pure, unlimited, unconditional.....happiness, well I'm not sure that is possible for me. When I am in pain....I do not feel that perfect, pure, unlimited, unconditional happiness I long for (because I don't like pain and it interferes in my thinking, which effects my emtions).
On the other hand, if I think of absolute as being:
not to be doubted or questioned, positive, something to be regarded as the ultimate basis of thought and being, as a philosophical point as independant and unrelated to anything else......well then, I guess it is possible to experience absolute happiness....as a choice.
I guess, when I originally read this post I was thinking more in the lines that it would be impossible for me to feel absolute happiness, all of the time, no matter what the circumstances. But ofcourse, you are correct to say that if I believe/focus on that idea, it would be definately be impossible.
If, on the other hand, I decide to embrace happiness and consider it independant of anything else, unrelated to all else, and not doubt or question that it is possible to achieve, as a positive basis of thought and being......then yes....I can be absolutely happy....no matter what else is going on in my life.
Do you know what I mean? Happiness, like so much else, is a state of being which is a choice, absolutely. I can be stricken with the most atrocious of burdens/pain/circumstances and still chose to be happy. My happiness is indeed something independant/unrelated to all else in my life because......I don't doubt or question that happiness is a positive that is ultimately a basic thought process....something I can choose to focus on and embrace.
Thanks for getting me to think about that a little more Mum.