Once again thank you all for your replies. I am always amazed at the depth and care of people's posts here. Excellent posts, every one.
I am feeling much, much better today. Of course, despite the title, this thread is really about my relationship with God, not divorce. I continued to pray about this last night after posting. I thought about it this morning. I had a session with my counselor today and did a lot of hard work. Then, I went to church after work to find the message was on connecting to God. I have made a lot of progress, with a lot left to go. The good news is that things can get much better.
I don't have this sorted out yet by any means, but I did get a critical understanding in counseling today. My experience of my family as a kid set the archetype for existence and relationship. In other words, a very old/young part of my brain still thinks that because my parents were emotionally sterile, that I am as well. That everyone is, the world is, the universe is and God is too. That there is no real connection and the only way to get decent treatment is to suffer and work superhumanly hard to try to earn it. So, none of this was coming from God at all. In fact, all this crap, these lies, have been getting in the way of a real relationship with Him from the beginning. I can't say I've got the relationship with Him down yet, but I can see how this basis for my life colored EVERYTHING, but isn't actually real.
I can at least see now that God in no way intended for this marriage to happen the way it has. I don't believe he wants me to suffer or that he wants me to stay in something that is unhealthy for me for no good reason. I might need to make some sacrifices at various times in my life, but I don't need to suffer pointlessly like I had. I can have all the good to help balance the other out. As October posted above and in the message tonight, God is not going to support something bad for me, even if I think it is supposed to be good. He would not support a drug habit for me, why would he support a poisonous relationship for me. I think that I've never really been close enough to know that his silence meant he did not approve. I don't believe He ever intended this relationship and has been waiting for me to wake up and make better choices in my life. So I am.
After all that, it wasn't about divorce or God or any other topics. Of course, it is all about me and the screwed up messages I got as a kid. The good news is that I can change my mind now and see things a different way. Thank you all again for your support, your thoughts and prayers and your being here for me. I shudder to think where I might be right now if I hadn't found this place. Just another blessing!