How do I develop the skill of rightful placement of failure? I'm not the kind of person who believes in placing blame on anyone to protect myself. But, I haven't place blame where blame is due. How do I shift gears with failure?
Butterfly, this is a good question.
The way I am working out of this is to suspend judgement. I have a tendency (that I am trying to change) to line things up: this is good, this is bad. It extends everywhere, into myself as well.
If I can let go of judging it all, I can see it is all just "stuff that happens", and it alleviates the need to identify and classify everything... which takes a surprising amount of energy.
Will I suddenly start thinking my ex is an angel and what he does is totally benign? I doubt it. But I can let go of the scary monster part of him (that only scared me and gave him all kinds of power over me), and it diffuses what he does into: "oh well, he chooses to do that, I don't." Then I don't have to be right OR wrong.
My mother dying in the manner she is, is not what I would have chosen, if I had the choice. But I don't. So I could cry each day, and feel horrible, but it won't change anything, and certainly doesn't send any better love toward her in her final days. It just IS this way. It's ok. There is a reason.
This doesn't mean I don't have standards or a moral compass, it just means that I trust myself and have some faith. I know I act with loving intention. I know I never mean to hurt anyone. I know I am a good person, so I don't have to spend all my time trying to prove that to myself in my head. I now try to see people who behave badly as people who are in pain, who have lost their connection to their true, loving self....and become distorted in an effort to alleviate thier own pain. It is a form of evil in many cases. This does not mean what they do is acceptable, or that we as individuals or a society should not do what we can to change things, however. It just means that we can understand it and let it be while we intend to change it.
When I accept and suspend judgement, it helps ME to become less pained by it all. All the "that's bad, that's good" I used to do, led me to really be tough on myself most of all. I'm not sure how it works, exactly, but as I have changed, my attachment to my judgements have changed as well....and I have become a more content person.
If I allow the world to be where it is right now, in all it's joy and pain, then I can have compassion for my own failures in turn. I can accept that my ex is rather sick and mean, but I don't have to take it on myself. I can still protect my children as best I can, and move on with my life as best I can, and let things just BE where they are while I do this.
I doubt I have explained this very well, but it is one thing I am working on that does indeed, bring me lots of peace.