I'm pretty sure my wife has NPD. I have two preteen children, and I am very torn about what to do; I'd like to find a support group, but don't know of any. My wife, unlike many perfectionist NPDs, refuses to do any housework at all. She is a compulsive shopper with exclusive tastes, but our home looks like a flophouse. Every floor is completely littered with clothes, purchases, magazines, to a depth of several feet. I work assiduously to try to keep the house habitable, but I cannot keep up. She is a pathological liar, physically and emotionally abusive, manipulative, lazy, vicious and cunning. Her mother is a life-long alcoholic and drug addict; her father probably has antisocial personality disorder, and cares about only one thing in life, sports on television. My wife and I could probably both be arrested for child abuse, given the state of our house. She doesn't consider the consequences, and doesn't care. She lurches from one disaster to another, wrecking cars, creating havoc, engaging in violent confrontations with everyone. I'm very tolerant and accepting; she sees this as weakness. If I get a divorce we'll wind up in bankruptcy, and the kids will probably wind up with her, even though they have both told me they want to live with me. She seems to have a life plan: she'll never do anything for anyone, it is the function of others to provide for her. And she thinks she's winning. She's on disability from her job, citing PTSD from her series of confrontations with her administrators. She sees this as proof that her life plan is working out just fine. I feel like I'm in the most horrible nightmare I can conceive of, and I don't know what to do.