To quote Linus from Peanuts: "AAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!"
I am SO FED UP with people who spend ten times as much time and energy trying to avoid their responsibilities as it would take them to just.... shut up, sit down, quit whining, do what they are supposed to do and get it over with.
Especially when they try to make ME the bad guy for insisting that problems be solved, issues be faced, etc.
It's very hard to just accept things I can't change when I'm the one stuck with the consequences if I don't change them!
thanks for listening. Please believe and accept that I am assessing the situation accurately, that I have no authority to change it, and that I'm stuck with it for the time being. So really, all I want is to be listened to and heard. I'll deal with it, I always have, I just need to blow off some steam.
Thanks, people.