Author Topic: Help - N Boss  (Read 2704 times)


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Help - N Boss
« on: November 26, 2003, 04:01:27 PM »
Me, again!

Folks, do any of you have some advise about dealing with an N boss (male - if that matters).  My hubby works for one and is having a miserable time.  Nboss is verbally abusive, says derogatory things about employees to other employees, is totally unpredictable - as in nice one second, fire-breathing hell-spawn the next.  Nboss just comes unglued over rediculous things on a daily basis and is also violent.  He hasn't hit an employee (yet) but I've personally seen him kick the heck out of a desk.  Methinks beating a person is just a short step away.

Hubby can't leave this job right now, hopefully he will be able to come early 2004.  So, what to do in the meantime?

I want to know where this N-Factory is...dear Lord!   :roll:



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Help - N Boss
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2003, 06:57:26 PM »
I have an N boss, but your husband's is much worse. Being verbally abusive is one thing, but the man you describe is beyond that into physical violence. There is little your husband can do, unless he is willing to take actions that could risk his position there. If he's not willing to do that, he may have to just hold on until early next year when he can get out of there.



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Help - N Boss
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 11:08:21 AM »
Hi, Bunny

Thanks for your responses to both my posts on Nov 26th.  Hub and I have had a few deep discussions about your response to issue of his N boss.  We agree, there's nothing my hubby can do without it backfiring on him, except for getting the heck out of there.  Hub has firmly decided to leave asap and feels really good about the decision.  In fact, almost all of the 16 employees at this company are aggressively seeking employment elsewhere.  I'm really glad that hub and these nice people are looking for something better as it's evident that his boss' N behavior is escalating day by day...I mean the lengths this a-hole goes to in order to set all his employees up for failure just so he can verbally gut and humiliate them is actually very creepy.  Couple this with his physical aggression and we get a potentially very dangerous situation.  The sad part is that my hub absolutely LOVES his job (minus the aspect of his boss of course).

These N'ssss!!!!   :twisted:
