Author Topic: The N Girlfriend  (Read 2303 times)


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The N Girlfriend
« on: August 12, 2005, 03:44:28 AM »
I moved to Tulsa from Dallas to be a grandma to my grandchildren: Steven and Brittany.

Shortly after moving here, my son's girlfriend Vickie gave birth to Christopher.  For Vickie, this means three children from three different men.  Does that sound familiar for the Narcissistic Personality?

Vickie treats her children like dirt.  She beats them with an 18-inch, hard plastic mixing spoon.
Any excuse for a beating will do.   She is extremely rude to my grandchildren.  Brittany and Steven do not like her.  Vickie will not allow my son to be alone with his own children.

Her two kids came home from school one day.   Both children were happy to be home and wanted to get a hug from their mom, but nooooooooo!  "Go to your room and shut-up!"

Every time Vickie has visited me, she has taken something of mine.

When I complain to my son, he will not even listen.  He gets real huffy and wont talk.

The last time Vickie left my house, her daughter reached out to me to get a good-bye hug.  Vickie jerked the child away and screamed at me that I am trying to turn her children against her.   (I did advise her daughter to call 911 the next time her mother starts beating on her.)   I told her that she was ugly.

That was it.  No more seeing my grandchildren.  My son does not call anymore.  He fixed his email program to not accept my emails.

My grandchildren are my whole life.  I just cannot kiss her butt.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2005, 11:48:42 PM by grayoldlady »


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Re: The N Girlfriend
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 06:40:20 PM »
(((((((((((((((((grey old lady))))))))))))))))))))
This situation must be heartbreaking for you...  Your son may feel like that now but by the sound of it he will not be able to close his eyes to what is happening forever.  Both he and your Grandchildren will probably need you to be there to help them pick up the pieces with your love and support eventually...

Spyralle xxx


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Re: The N Girlfriend
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2005, 10:59:58 AM »
Wow, you are in a terrible triangle!  I have no idea what you can do about it except, as Spyralle says, wait until he sees the light.  There is a great book on triangles called The Dance of Intimacy.  You might read it while you are waiting for him to realize he is dating someone terrible!  What on earth does he see in her? 

But you do need to get back your relationship with him and his kids.  Maybe that book would help.  I hope so.   Otherwise, we all send you positive wishes to get this resolved.