I'm just wondering why there has been no mention of his outstanding debts
My guess, I would want him to show me what the hell he was talking about because I knew nothing about them. I can show the judge my Cards were used to support the family, in my name not able to use his income because he was on disability. I just don't understand how he got those cards when he was not working.
He had a storage place for his tools and Im sure what ever he was buying he had hidden away.
He also had a PO box so the mail would not have come to the house.
We have never filed Bankruptcy, I will look into having my spouse connection to his credit cards be removed.
the pain will eventually subside and you will be left with a sense of faith in yourself for doing what you know you must, even though it is difficult, and the knowledge that when you listen to yourself and do what you do and will survive.....and even thrive....afterward. Good for you OR!!
Life is so much better now, I try and not show my D any signs of depression, I make sure she is busy with having things to do with her friends. Believe WE can do this, I don't need to look for a mate to make me whole or be worried that we are not "Just wonderful in this life, things are just fine for now"
Im setting up guidelines for her to follow, letting her go out make mistakes to use as a learning experiance.
Keep communicaiton open, work out difficult problems together and always telling her I love her.
Both of us have healing to do in these areas. Im keeping strong as I can for her wanting to show her life is good no matter what the circumstance.
I have the mediation papers I must file, and surprized they asked about emotional abuse. I would be marking 11 out of 12 as true. When I read the questions 1 sheet is for physical and 1 for emotional abuse. My H now knows his emotional abuse is no longer tolerated by the courts.
One of the questions was about sleep and if the spouse kept you from sleeping. My H would do this big time, talking to me expecting me to be listening when I was trying to sleep. This was a big, big daily thing with him.
I used to plug my ears and try and sleep, no asking him to be quiet.
Long and Kaz
Make sure that you at least get a decree from the court that you are only responsible for specific debts
I would think if they are asking these type questions, they may look at the fact that my H never made payment on his cards, obvious I was making payments on the cards I knew about.
I know employers will look at someones credit report to tell them about character of someone they would consider for employment.
Even if I do have to pay his cards, I can show how I wanted to have good character and would be a more responsible parent. Also if child support had to be paid, what to expect from him....00.00.
I will be working on what to do about all this Credit Card Biz and may have to just tell myself it's
"ALL STUPID TAX " a lesson learned, part of life with an N.
wonder if there is any small print
if spouse has emotional problems we could work something out with the debt. ???
Take Care and thank you all for the support......................OR