Hello SF,
This dream must be very significant to you if you felt so strongly that you had to share it here. What really jumps out at me is that your unconscious chose a Golden Retriever for the dog part. Any type of dog could have appeared in your dream (you probably know that) but there it is, a golden retriever.
In addition to the qualities that you mentioned--love attention from everyone--it is a wonderful pun. The dog is young, it's golden, and it's a retriever. Still time to learn new tricks to get that love, it's valuable, and it can bring back the love you need. Golden retrievers are also the most popular breed in the US (I think it trades places with Labradors for the #1 and #2 spot in popularity). Everyone loves them! So it would seem very strange indeed for a regular healthy person to see such a wonderful living thing in a cage!
Well, I hope this gives some optimism to your interpretation and is useful. Can you adopt this puppy as your new mascot? Just some thoughts. Hugs to you and sweet dreams, MP