I don't mean to say that there are a lot of predators in AA or anything or to knock the program at all--- maybe it is the area I live in ( New York City ) or something----- but there are actually a lot of guys here to watch out for who will pretend to be helping you/talking the program with you, and they are not doing it to help you or to help themselves spiritually, but to win your trust and become "The Helpful Father" or whatever, so that they can have their benefits whenever they can get them. I know that there are plenty of men on the other side of the spectrum too. One of the best shares I ever heard at AA was from a man who is a former sexual predator talking about how he uses the program to help himself to think of/ treat women in a more respectful manner. But I have also seen how men target newcomers under the premise that they do not have their feelings yet or that they are vulnerable, and this goes on all the time around where I go to meetings. There will be a swarm of men around a newcomer, and they are not trying to hlp her. I'm not trying to put men down and I know there are also a lot of respectful men in AA too and predatory women, but I know what I have seen and it really does go on and is an issue. Some of the men/women may be sober in terms of substances but addicts in other areas, such as sex.From my experience of going to AA sometimes 5 times a day when I needed to for the past year, many of the predatory men do stay around, maybe coming in and out, but they are there, and there is always a woman who is vulnerable and will need to watch her back, and it is a lot safer in my opinion for her to be watching her back and not thinking that just because she is in AA that she will not be used. At one of the meetings there was a man who was a rapist, and he is in prison now, but he stayed around long enough to rape at least 2-3 women, and his method of hitting on them, which he used on me but I was luckily not having any of it, was to offer them AA coins and buy them coffee and congradulate them on their day count only to lure them into a secluded church and rape them.. AA welcomes everyone, and he would not be turned away and that is good, but with that in mind I think it is a good idea to be careful.