Wow, the mention of ballet brought something back for me that put a smile on my face. My mom wanted me thing and graceful, too-- I was reasonably thin (never enough for her taste, though) but have never been graceful in the least. I have a photo of myself, around age 7, in my ballet costume, very confidently and happily striking the worst ballet pose you have ever seen-- both of my feet are pigeon-toed as can be and my arms are flung skyward with abandon. I wish I could have tapped into that joy, instead of the disappointment I always felt in my body (through my mom).
My mom and I used to diet even though I was thin, and she would watch everything I ate. From when I was 13. I remember cheating on the diet when she would leave the house. If that won't screw you up about food, I'm not sure what will.
Anyway, just had that memory. Dance is so joyous, such a chance for expression and communion with music. Here's to divorcing it from any expectations, bodily or otherwise.