oh, Mia. Please know I'm right there with you.
Your ex IS an idiot and you might consider telling him to "GO FOR IT, SPARKY!!!"
A judge would most likely hang him by his toenails for that crap (hey you may get your wish afterall!). Let him open Pandora's box!
Listen, Mia, I know that horrible FEAR that just jumps down your throat when you talk to him, or see his name in your email list.... But that pain comes from years of his negative programming. He is counting on this. And although he doesn't sound like he knows a whole lot else, he does know he can get you going. Start welcoming those phone calls and email (psychologically). Then you can PRACTICE: hanging up on him as soon as he raises his voice (trust me, you will feel good), forwarding his emails to your attorney and then smile and walk away...hug your kids, etc. Better yet, never call him on the phone. Let your lawyer get angry for you. All that money he/she makes should at least do that for you.
I know what scares you...it's the same thing that scares me...that he will harm your kids. The thing is, though, that he is so screwed up, he's not consious of that . These guys think that THEY scare us, just because we are personally under their "power."
He can only hurt you MORE by hurting your children more......which is why I agree with Mudpup. Only I would go for sole custody, not just the harrassment issue.
He is truly unstable and a bad parent. You have never lost in court. Don't worry about another judge (although some are idiots, I know that personally). The judges DO like to back each other up....even if your sympathetic one is no longer on the docket...a new judge will not be starting at square one, and this is osmething your attorney will need to make sure of.
Oh, and as far as wishing he was dead? I will admit to the exact same thinking and wishing, only I KNOW mine will kill himself through anger and hatred. rage and alchohol and risky behavoir. Just pray the kids aren't around for it. And with my luck, it will be long after they are both 18 (uggh).
And if I really get philosophic, he is dead already.....as I could hardly call how he is living "life" in any way, shape, or form. The kids are the only thing true in his phony existance...which is why he "wants" to control them so bad.
Like I said before, our exes are the same guy (only, sorry, yours is crazier right now). PM me if you want: I have some great ways to stop being scared.....