You are so right about the N pleasing everyone else in the entire planet before they seem to be aware that they have a wife at home, who they give a *U&&^%! about. Friends, family, neighbors have come before me and after two years I have finally realized that I married a "cerebral narcissist".
He's a genius. He's smart. He's rich. He's a child. He's infantile. I got sucked into the "idealization" where he put me on a pedastal when he was courting me; then after we married he "devalued" me to the point of pulp; and now I'm going through the actual "discard" phase. Only instead of leaving him, I made him leave. But, the good news I'm healings and accepting my denial. I feel stronger now. I will survive and I will live a rich, full, happy life without him. it will be a road of hell, but I will take the high road - always.
My advice: Find your backbone with your narcissist when you are calm and collective and stake your ground and don't back off. He now has to go be with his "self", which he actually loathes, and learns that he can't hide behind his big facade; i.e., beautiful house, beautiful wife, etc.
Don't fight back. Just be strong, calm and treat them like children, whether they act like they are 3 or 6 or 14, they are stuck in childhood repeating the trauma by projecting it on you.
Read Sam Vakrin, Malignant Self Love - insightful, but beware . . . he is a narcissist sharing his sick world with you for the glory of the attention he craves.