Hi, Anastasia
Referencing my experiences with my NMom, I can say you aren't alone with this. I can remember three instances off the top of my head where my tears were absolutely not tolerated or acknowledged as being valid.
Once, when I was about 16 or so, my much older/adult brother and I got into an argument which resulted in him slapping me across my face with such force that I flew right across the room. NMom came to me later while I was crying in my bed and showed zero sympathy and advised me to pull myself together and stop snivelling and that the incident was all my fault.
Another time, during high school, I was upset about a boy and began to cry. When I didn't want one of the condescending, "come here my baby" hugs, she beat me.
Now the third is perhaps a bit more like your example with your stepfather. My stepfather had gone off to live with his girlfriend (their relationship broke my family up for a second time). One day I had to catch a ride to college with him and the girlfriend. She and I got into an argument when she dissed my little brother. The argument escalated and my stepfather called me all sorts of derogatory names like slut, whore (rich coming from a serial philanderer!!! Somehow the fact that I, unlike him, was in a committed monogamous relationship still made ME a slut!?) And, the coup de gras was him telling me that my mom didn't know who my father was until after I was born (due to my mom having affairs on my real father) and then he tried to attack me. Anyway, some bystanders restrained him and helped me to get away. I then called NMom to come and pick me up as I was in a terrible state. There was no consoling of me, she just pumped me for info about what he and the girlfriend had said, and went on about how it was all an attack against her!!! Never mind me...I had to buck up and deal with it.

So, basically, this sort of behavior seems consistent with N characteristics...no empathy for others.
Hope that gives you something to go on, Anastasia. These N's are so looney!!
