Author Topic: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.  (Read 1838 times)


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Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« on: October 24, 2005, 10:50:37 PM »
I am a 31 year old man, and am still controlled by my parents. A little but about me first. I had cancer when I was 17, and my parents cared for me during that time. I am 100% healthy now, and that is the past.

I feel like I don't have any control over my own life. If there is something I want to do and my parents don't agree with it, I don't do it. They give their opinions, and I always do what they want.
This goes for big and small matters. I'm just tired of hearing what they think is right or wrong. My Dad is a police officer and his favorite thing to do is keep his family safe. Its like all that matters is safety. You need to be happy in life, not just safe. I feel like I'm tied down, a dog chained to a tree who cant get away.           


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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 12:36:01 AM »
Wow. Where to start? Do you live with them, and are you self-supporting financially? If so, that must make it harder to assert your adulthood. But this sounds like something you need to do. If it's not possible for you to be out on your own, are there smaller declarations of autonomy you might make? What small steps can you imagine?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2005, 12:53:11 AM »
Hello jay,
congratulations.  You have taken a very important step to ending your servitude.  You have recognised the state you are living in and determined that it is uncomfortable for you.  Next you have a process before you of looking forward to see where you are going and backward to see how you ended up where you are now.   

Lots of people up on this board have been going through such a process.    You can get lots of good advice here. 

You are probably the only one in your house who wants to change, but in order to make these changes, the others have to participate in some way, even if it is just giving up the relationship they have with you now.  Expect some resistance.

I am not sure from your note whether your parents are really super controlling, or just stuck in that cancer period you had.  I think it is a good bet that police officers would tend to have an occupational hazard of being controlling and operating based on fear.  Can you explore that some more?



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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2005, 02:01:41 AM »
Safety is great- except it is not possible to guarantee.

Look at what has happened in the world in just the past few days.....several hurricanes here in the US, one causing over 1000 deaths- how is that possible? The world's first nation, and people were drowned in their own homes....

Then a major earthquake killing 50 000 in India/ Pakistan.....

I am sorry you feel imprisonned, you need to break away. Maybe in stages, maybe by being out of their control for a while.

The world is full of possibilities....

Sallying Forth

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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2005, 02:41:18 AM »
Hi Jay,
The first step towards freedom is recognizing there is a problem. You have done that.

The next steps will be based on your needs, where you live, your physical proximity to your parents and other factors.

I can relate to your situation. At 31 I was still controlled by my parents even though I lived one 1000 miles from them. Their control was through control and repetitive abuse which had began when I was around 4 years old. It continued throughout my childhood, youth and adulthood until I entered long term therapy at the age of 32. Then I made a permanent departure from my Nparents' control and abuse.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2005, 02:43:16 AM »
Hi Jay,

First of all, I am very sorry at what you have had to go through.

As for servitude, Gloria Steinem once said that power is not given, but taken. My personal experience corroborates this. Don't expect your parents to give you the permission to be end your servitude, you have to wrest that away from them.

YES, you have taken the first step towards this long and painful process. Why do you feel that you have to do what they tell you? What happens if you do otherwise?



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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2005, 05:10:09 AM »
Hi Jay1973 (Wonderful year to be born eh?  :) )

Your Parent's must have had a terrible blow when they discovered you had cancer at the age of 17.  Congratulations on recovering.  You probably needed each other badly then, and you needed that unconditional love (assuming you had a good relationship with them) and support. 

But that time has passed now and I get the feeling they are hanging on to you for dear life because they nearly lost you once.  They are probably a bit shell shocked.  I have the feeling that you needed them just as much.  Cancer can be very isolating I'm sure.  My friend had cancer when we were in our twenties and she said that she found her friends were supportive at first but then didn't want to get too close or something like that.  She felt like people didn't understand her etc, because your parents were directly involved with you, that support must have been nice...  when you needed it.

It would be nice to get a little more info from you so we could maybe help you air your worries, concerns, doubts, fears...  whatever

This board is an absolute God send and is helping me through a very tough part of my life.  I do recommend sticking around and allowing yourself to discover your self...  which will ultimately help you make decisions that are best for you.    It seems like you are doing everything to please your parents...  but here you can develop your own voice


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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2005, 12:44:06 PM »
Jay - Congratulations on being able to put into words how you feel..  That took a great deal of bravery - - and is one of the very first steps. Nicely done!

It wasn't until my 40's that I took my first steps toward separating myself from my parents, even though I'm in a different part of the world than they are.  I'm not sure if you still live with them.

One of the most important things I did was to realize, it wasn't absolutely necessary for me to pick up the phone every time it rang!

I agree with Selkie - it would be nice to get a little more information from you. . .  You've taken the first steps. . . . keep on . . .


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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2005, 03:23:48 PM »
Jay don't despair. My partner was 33 before he made the final break and moved in with me. We both had to leave our nfamilies behind in a hurry though, the abuse was getting bad. I'm not sure how bad you have it within your home BUT I sense your unhappiness is going to build up like my partners did until the day comes when you'll decide "enough" and leave. My partner was so under his nparents control, it didn't help that he worked for his father from age 17 for minimal wage until 25 when his father decided to retrench him and no longer give him work. Usually fathers like to pass on their businesses to their sons. Oh no not this one, plus he ripped him off approx. $30,000 from money that was apparantly "saved" for him, hence the minimal wage of $12,000 per year which is a joke when you work in the construction industry, back breaking work. My partner's mother always did his paperwork. Even though she complained about it she enjoyed having something over him, knowing his buiness. When he applied for a credit card after he turned 30 his parents freaked out. A grown man and they were in my face trying to convince me to cut up his card. I stupidly gave in but luckily he got a replacement card. We both are unemployed now and this saved us from being out on the street. The irony is both our nfamilies are rich, and they have ensured we remain poor, renting out a small apartment that resembles an old hotel room. I remember when we first moved in, his mother sent a cheque to pay for his car registration. He was going to use it, didn't even realise the utter manipulation still at play but instead I got the cheque, wrote a quick note and sent it right back. She did that in order to alleviate her own guilt for being a bad mum. I feel that his nparents have stunted his emotional growth, it sounds like yours have done the same. By emotional growth I mean they have disadvantaged you in life with the sheltered upbringing, enforcing their opinions onto you, and YOU basically living your life for them. By not letting you live your life, let you take risks, make decisions for yourself they have immobilised you. Please consider moving out with the support of a friend. Suppressing this unhappiness won't do you good, thats what my partner and I used to do in regards to our own families but in doing so we were harming ourselves. We wasted years staying at home. Don't waste any more of your precious years. You survived cancer you can survive standing up to them and becoming your own man. You can do it! God Bless! P.S. I'm assuming you still live at home?
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.


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Re: Controlled at 32 years old. I feel like a Robot.
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2005, 03:30:12 PM »
Hi, Jay. Do you have a therapist you could talk to (in real time) about this?
I'm sure it all makes sense, your parents having come close to losing you at one time, and now the fear has become habit...but that IS past, as you said, and it's time for you to have your power back.
I am sure you have taken a step down the road to independence in posting here. You will find lots of fellow travelers here, but having  a real live therapist to work with you could really help.
Does this sound difficult in your current circumstance?
Have faith, Jay. Your destiny is to be happy.
Sending you lots of strength.......