My husbands Dad passed away this summer. His mother was put into an assisted living home, she has alzheimers, she is 84. It has been a very emotional, exhausting time. That is not unusual as we loose a loved one and are loosing another in a different way. Can I just share some of the statements from his family from the beggining.
In the room with his deceased dad. Sil fills out a list of names to be called, passes the paper around asking is she forgot anyone? My husbands brother passes along the list to dh and says, " Put your name on it so we don't forget to call you"! He laughs....we don't...we reply with silence and saddness.
Older brother calls the day before the funeral to his oldest sister...the queen of the family. He states he wants his wife and his other brothers wife with them in the limo. Now that would leaves me in a weird place. Oldest only sister tells dh she doesn't care if they bring their wives and continues to say HER HUSBAND will drive me and my children. My hasband says fine, I don't think it's right we were going to have Mom and her children then another car with inlaws, grandchildren etc.. Like usual he says they pulling a fast one. Dh says I WANT to be with my wife too! I will ride behind you in Dad's car, that would make me happy. She says no you can't do that you have to be with Mom. End of that I'm in the car with oldest sisters dh, my oldest dd (15).. complete silence....almost abusive in my opinion. After the funeral werre stuck in the car with brother inlaw still...while we ride around the cematery looking for his deseased mothers grave, road in circles for at least 30 minutes. I felt trapped and over powered. He did ask if it was o.k. to go see his mom, of couse i said, "YES", I just didn't know he didn't know where it was!!!!!!! At the same time he is looking with his daughter from his first wife, (my 10 and 12 year old dds are with her) and step sons are walking around, looking and looking. It was not the time while you are leaving a funeral to keep someone in the car all that time.
I'm leaving tons out, but just a brief picture.
My bil told dh and I last christmas how he had a personal conversation about my husband with dh dad.
Bil wants to know why his Dad always picked on him or didn't show the same affection or approval the other brothers received.
Bil tells us, " I asked your Dad, why do you pick on youngest son so much? He does so much for you and you treat him like sh**, how come, he is so good to you compared to your other sons etc.."
Dh and I are taking all this in with some shock. Bil says, he said, (dh dad) why? Because he reminds me of my wife." That would be dh mother. His Dad was very controlling and she was very passive. He had very little repect for dh because he did not have those contoling rude behaviors like his other sons and was a very sensitve, loving son. GO FIGURE? I was furious, dh was hurt tremedously.........even though it made sence. He always asked himself why me?
Bil also choose to tell this after we find out fil has under a year to live. Pass on kindness, something good not evil when it benifits no one but the messenger...imho
Dh is also like me the youngest. He just turned 45 and his sister is going to be 60.
His brothers have been off the wall of rude behavior during the last few months. Dh tells his sister I'm not taking this anymore. I will not be around them for holidays etc.. I'm done with the abuse that has gone on for my hole life.
She says, I know thats how they are, they're just wired like Dad and they will never change. BUT YOU CANT break up our family! Blah..blah...blah.... Just ignore them, or they are only kidding.
She is saying I see the abuse but ignore it, take it and make me happy by conforming to my standards.
I'm exhausted, dh and I have to get out of this circle. We try but his sister is huge at finding power of him/us with guilt and money.
Do what I say or you won't get any money. She says it in between the lines. Thats another post.
Are these N's or jerks?
I'm having a hard time typing this post Sister N, has called three times before 8:30 a.m.. I'm not answering, she doesn't like it.