I have kept myself away from my N's as much as possible. I am getting so much bull spoken about me, behind me and to me.
For example the use:
We know you probably won't go, you never show up anymore.
You never answer you phone.
I don't want to go either but we are family.
It would make such and such so happy if you made the effort to show up.
Other example, a cousin recently said by to me at a shower next cousin get together you will be there? But really made a statement not a question. It was power, she doesn't like that I'm not following the rest, I'm not a follower I'm a surviver.
I should of said, "IF you can arrange for my two N sisters not to be there then I'm a definate show! lol
Next, using guilt is their all time favorite. My Dad and little Brothers anniversary Mass is this weekend. I'm trying to figure out how to get into church and leave without them seeing me, don't think that will happen. Then the'll want to go for breakfast after...yes, hell.
So I have not answered my oldest N, and she says I was thinking of Mom today an she would of said," Now you girls go to Mass you should be there with your brothers and sisters". Sorry sis that's a lie.
NO my mom wouldn't of said that, she didn't play power/guilt trips on me and understood if I was uncomfortable I wouldn't go. For gosh sakes she's probably looking down now and saying get off the guilt trip and stay home and be safe from these nut cases.
By the way oldest N hates other N sister and vise verser, they are three years apart and grew up together. Since they love attention the will be around eachother and just be snappy to eachother as each wants all the ATTENTION, it's quite a SHOW.
As I'm trying to find sollutions to so many situations, for one:
I was thinking of planning my own Anniversary Masses for my loved ones and go with my husband and family in peace.
I'm trying my best to keep my distance but they try so hard to drag me back in. It's exhausting playing cat and mouse.
I have kept in more contact with my oldest N because she is remission from cancer, now five years. I have gone to 80% of her appointments and she still counts on me doing this even now for a regular physicals. Her family/kids just left her to deal with this on her own. I wonder WHY? Because even an N can send you away in the darkest of times, thats why.
Now, why wouldn't she treat me with some kindness if I'm the only one that is there for her? She is so bad after her last catscan, got a babysitter and I waited for almost two hours, sitting and knowing what treatment I will be getting soon.
N sister is done and walks into the hall with me, she had her coat and scarf in her hand and just dropped it on the floor right in front of my feet, and she stretched and complained of being stiff. Then she says, can I have my coat? Yes, I bend down and pick it up, put it on her, bend down again and get her scarf, as I'm holding her scarf, she says can you zip my coat, yes, I do, then tie my scarf in a knott in front this is how I like it. I wanted to strangle her but kept it all in.
Wouln't a real person of said, "Could you hold my coat and scarf for me please?" Instead of dropping it on the floor like a peice of rubbish. Then, "Could you help me put it on now please?" Their is nothing wrong with her physically, but just incase it comes back you better be good to me or I will make you suffer with guilt....That's what I hear loud and clear as she treats me like a peace of crap.