Hello there, Tired...
Well, jeepers, you could be my mother! My Ndad has just retired, well, a few years ago, and now finds his narcissistic supply in the medical arena. He has almost alienated us kids but not quite. We now know what is really up with him and know he is a sick old man. Sick in the head but using the body ailments as a front. Always good family fun to run to the emergency room and wish the staff a good morning. The really really scary part is realizing that he was sick all along (with narcissism & depression and quite possibly OCD). My personal favorite is his calling the 24 hour pharmacist who lives two hours away at midnight to tinker with the dosage of his medicine and check for cross-reactions.
When Ns retire, they have no strategy for keeping the old glorious phony self puffed up. No work life to lose oneself in and no way to redefine oneself. No ready audience and god don't ask them to babysit. So they moan and groan about this and that symptom to anyone who will listen. And boy are they surprised when they realize that the rest of the family has stuff to do (the stuff they've always done when Ns were at work)!
But now that they are home, they expect wifey to be on remote control at all times, just waiting for the next wish to be fulfilled. My mother is ready to slit her wrists. She is finally now past wishing he were different and accepting that he is going to sleep and watch TV until he dies. Their relationship has died. No real companionship or outside interests. Just endless neediness. I know he is in some great emotional anguish and it is also quite awful for my mother. She has been reduced to babysitter of him. She is rather sturdy but it does take its toll. Fortunately she is "fighting" back to regain her life and hanging on to her friends and activities.
Am I anywhere close to guessing what you are confronting at this stage? I hope not. But if yes, then please stick around with us nice folks. You are not alone and you don't have to suffer in silence. Post some more and we'll listen and try to help you get some relief. Take care. And get some sleep!! MP