Author Topic: Letting each and everyone have and keep their voice on this board  (Read 1083 times)

ben 01

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To all (new and old) readers and posters on this board,

I would like to remind that, as adults, some of us who were bullied, sometimes tend to "forget" these  nightmares.
Hence refuse to see blatent evidence when there is bullying.
= Laugh about it.
Maybe join in... half ashamed, half relieved (...this time, it is not me... I am strong now...).
Aware of doing evil, and in the same time refusing to see the Other (the victim) as a Human Creature.
By rationalizing. I am not the only one after all... Why doesn’t (s)he react? (S)he can’t be scared..... naaa.....
Look at all the others... they do the same thing! Why should I stop? I am not worst than any of them... and it's fun...

This type of behavior is all the more widespread as these (un???? :shock:)conscious abusers, emotional terrorists, bullies, (emotional) murderers -whatever you may want to call them, have not been given a voice.
They have never internalized the (transitional) space that would provide them a chance to express themselves, to exist. They are trying to use others (victims) as their transitional space, they are sure that this time, they will get it from the victim. Yes, this time this victim will provide them with all these “things” (read : transitional space) they have been waiting for. For so long. So long that they can’t even remember...

So they shout, they yell, they insult, they abuse overtly and/or covertly... they spend all their energy and resources screaming, playing games,...but it never works. On the contrary. They get more and more angry. The more they abuse, the more empty they feel. They abuse even more. And even more empty they feel.

Will they realize one day that the louder they scream, the more voiceless they become?
Will they realize one day that the more they abuse and act out, the sooner they will lose their reason?
Will they realize one day that as their behavior becomes more and more compulsive, their thinking becomes more rigid? And that madness is not far???

Remember the nazis barking... Barking louder and louder ... as their obessions became more rigid...
Their "Lebensraum" obsession... Thet thought they “needed” more ...Space... and Life.. More space.. More life....Space.. Space...Life...  More space... Space...Life... Even more space... Even more life...Always even more space... Always even more life...
What did they do to get this space/life?
Pointing at human beings as their future victims.. Laughing at them....Humiliating them...Segregating them... Using them as objects... Making them starve... Killing them....Physically torturing them... Emotionnally torturing them... They could not find worst than emotional torture.
They thought that the more human beings they killed, the more "Lebensraum" they would get... But it was the contrary, the more human beings they slaughtered, the more lebensraum they needed.
Remember, they lost the war.

Now, let’s look at ourselves.
Let’s look at, how, thanks to the gift of the internet technology, we are given by Dr Grossmann this exceptional chance here to experience the possibility of finally not being voiceless anymore.
Are we gonna SPOIL this chance?????
And accept emotional terrorism on this board ? 
And behave like those who bully other kids???? Like nazis???? Like terrorrists????
Is this the example we want to provide to our chidren????
Can we look at them in the eyes after having (let somebody be) emotionally assaulted on the internet????
Let’s wake up !!!! Let’s open our eyes!!!

We know who you are, bullies. Game is over. And I am locking this thread.



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Re: Letting each and everyone have and keep their voice on this board
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 09:05:55 AM »
I am asking this genuinely Ben, so please don't take this the wrong way :)

I don't understand which posts you mean that have been abusive towards you. If you could give some examples of where you feel you have been abused then maybe others could be aware of your concerns. Richard Grossman is the site moderator, so maybe you could let him know.

Personally, I really don't see any abuse in your posts.

ben 01

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Re: Letting each and everyone have and keep their voice on this board
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2005, 09:36:55 AM »
Cadbury, why not asking Dr Grossman himself.
I lock (again,) this topic.


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Re: Letting each and everyone have and keep their voice on this board
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2005, 09:51:31 AM »
Hi everyone,

I am aware of Ben's beliefs about being bullied on the board, and have asked him/her to e-mail me in order to better understand them.

Richard Grossman