Author Topic: The Worst Day  (Read 1562 times)


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The Worst Day
« on: November 10, 2005, 05:44:06 PM »
Yesterday was the worst day since my mother's illness began.  She was moved to a nursing home on Tuesday, and I saw her there yesterday.  She has regressed significantly.  She was doing so well at the rehab hospital (which provided extraordinary care).  Now I don't know what will happen.

Maybe it's the stress of the transition.  Maybe she's trying to manipulate us into getting her out of there.  There's no medical reason for her to be acting like this, and I heard that she did respond a little to the staff.  But this place, while no palace (and that's putting it mildly), does have a dedicated rehab unit.  There are staff therapists in all the disciplines, and they appear to be professional and dedicated.  They will work with her every day.  She can get some continuity of medical care, which has been a real issue during this whole nightmare.  So we put her there for a reason.  But it's really, really hard to see her as she is, and to know what to do.

My gut tells me, "Give it some time."  Maybe she will rally and start to regain her functionality.  But maybe she'll just get worse, and all this effort and heartache will have been for nothing.  She'll end up as a potted plant anyway.

I am so tired.  It's a 300-mile round trip to see her, and I've been making it twice a week.  And trying to hold my job.  I cried so much yesterday that my eyes were just about swollen shut this morning.  I didn't get home until after 1:00 a.m.  I think it's a miracle that I made it to work at all, but I can't say I've been very productive.

I just need to put this somewhere.  I'm really at the end of my rope here, and it's getting harder and harder just to get up in the morning and get through the day.

Thanks for giving me an outlet.



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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 05:53:29 PM »
All I can give you is a big hug daylily ((((((((((DAylily))))))))))

I am too shattered tonight to do much more. I think yo uare doing so well, and I am sorry it is so hard... Take care for now


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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2005, 06:18:50 PM »
Daylily, my heart goes out to you.  This is such a tough thing to go through.  I am not sure of the ins and outs of your Mother's situation, but I hope she settles down.  Life is full of uncertainty and it's so hard to deal with it when it's on your doorstep, everything else seems to pale in significance.
I hope you take the time to nurture and comfort yourself in this time of need


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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 06:53:56 PM »

If I may...

I think that in the situation, you should take care of yourself in priority.  It will not bring
anything to your mother or anybody if you fall.  As you wrote, it seems that there are people
to take care of her.  You should be the one to care of yourself.  Give yourself a rest.  Take
time to grieve. 

We are all human.  I say that as a positive thing.

Why don't you diminish the number of visits to one a week or just take a one week (or two)
of 'vacation'/'grieving'/'surviving'/'time to get back to work 100%'/'what ever would work for you'? 
Try to put the worries aside (put them on an imaginary shelve in the evening), sleep.

A smile just for you: :-)



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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 07:35:19 PM »
Hiya Daylily:

So sorry things are so tough right now.  Ya know....I say....go with your gut.

My gut tells me, "Give it some time."

This sounds reasonable.  She will settle in. 

People, in general, don't usually like change.   The older we get......the less we like it, so it's said.  But the great thing is....most of us adapt after a little while, even in our golden years.

My guess is that your mom will get used to her new home and accept it, after awhile.  Not many people want to give up their independance or be "put away".  Given how ill she's been....her mental capacity is likely not in tip top it may take a little while for her to get used to the idea that she isn't going home.  It's a tough reality for anyone to swallow eh?  Give it some time.

I'm with  S&G.......give yourself a break too, please.  It won't be good for anyone if you burn out or get sick.  Please look after you and cut down the visits, get more rest, eat healthy and maybe even let go of some of the responsibility here.  You are not in charge of everything.  It isn't your fault the way things have gone.  You can't fix it all.  And it's not up to you to break yourself trying.

(I think it's very noble and loyal and loving of you to try....but seems like you will only end up hurting yourself if you keep up this super-woman pace!!).

You are a super-woman you know!!!  Just one that needs some tender loving care to recoup from this haul so far.  Please take a hot bubble bath, think of something that makes you happy.....a good memory....a future dream......and fall asleep tonight knowing that you deserve a good rest.  Tomorrow....the world will go on and your mother will soon adapt to that idea.



miss piggy

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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2005, 12:38:54 PM »
Hello Daylily,

Just want to join the others in sending you lots of love and hugs.  Do take a breather and take care of yourself.

xo, MP


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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2005, 05:47:13 PM »
Hi Daylily,
I'm sorry you are so depleted.   Please do as others have said and nurture yourself.

Why are you crying?  Is it guilt because your solution seems to have resulted in her regression?   It sounds like a thoroughly reasonable and good solution for her.   I do not think that you should bring her home wth you.

She is in a good place with good care with professionals who know all about looking after her.  If at home with you, you'd have around the clock worries that anything could happen and you would take the guilt to your own grave if she did not have a miraculous recovery but instead, deteriorated as is likely and expected.

300 miles is a long way to drive, especially since once you get there, you still have to weather worries and stress. Once a week is generous, given that you are working too and have a family.

Pretend you are someone else, a friend, and let that friend know how caring she is, how little it is deserved and how much care she needs to give herself.


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Re: The Worst Day
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2005, 11:00:04 AM »
Sending you love, Daylily.  Get some rest........