Hiya again
Sela... I probably check once a day. I did try a while ago to delete it from my favs, but I ended up just searching it again and putting it back in there. It's too easy for me to check if you know what I mean... a quick look while I'm on the internet. I don't really want to rope hubby in too much with my screwed up family.
MP... I can relate to everything you said... especially about how he goes on about the blacks, chinese etc. With my dad it's about money... about people who get new stuff. And I know what you mean about it being shocking, the truth going in and coming out scrambled. This is a post that he posted today and I have heard this so many times you wouldn't believe!!
"In reading the posts of Canal World forum and Yachting and Boating World forum, it has struck me how my opinion differs from many, yet here I seem to agree with most of what has been said.
I think to some degree, it is because the cost of DCs (Normans etc) are only a few thousands, instead of tens of thousands. This is not meant to be a money issue i.e. rich against poor. Just people with more money to spend have different values, or rather value different things.
I am not in 'the real world'. I have never been in 'the real world'. Nor do I wish to be in 'the real world'. One where people spend their lives travelling to places they don't want to be, doing something they don't want to do, at a time they don't want to be there, to get money they don't want, to buy things they don't need. They borrow money, to buy a car, to go to work, to wear out the car, to buy another.
And people say I'm the one in the wrong.......sorry, but I'm not.
Anyway, it's propably why I agree with more of the opinions written on here than at other places."
It's very bizarre... he went on and on about having a bad back, coccyx issue, degenerative disc in his lumber spine... you know change it to suit himself with whoever he's telling and because he can't tell you whats wrong or that what he does tell you changes, I asked to speak to his doctor. You know what, I have trust issues because I should believe him. He hasn't worked for over 10 years now because of his back apparently, however doctors couldn't find anything wrong. Then he let slip that the doctor spoke in depth about his beliefs and thoughts and that he thought they exaggerated to keep him on the sick. Because of not working, he has very little money but because he can manage, then everyone else should be same.
Incidently, I bought a new car a couple of years ago, on credit which is paid off next year.... I also work full time and have holidays. You have to laugh, don't you?