Hiya Write:
Thankyou for the hug. The sadness I was feeling was just fleeting....didn't last at all.
It is sad that such people are so unable to function/relate that alllllll they can do is yap about themselves.
It is also sad to be made small and feel ignored/unheard by their non-interest in us.
But.......ultimately....it is really not worth getting upset about. Afterall..it's a symptom eh?
Glad you're holding out through all the tough stuff right now Write. It can't be easy. Good for you for working through so much with your ex. So much better than battling it out. Better for all! Good for you!
Hi Chance:
Welcome. Sorry to hear that your dad is ill. It sounds like you feel guilty about the angry exchange you had with your dad.
May I ask? Were you the only angry one in the exchange?
Do you hope he also feels guilty? Do you need him to appologise or will you hold this exchange against him for all eternity?
No need to answer if you don't feel like it. It's just that I noticed you wrote that you are both stubborn and I am also wondering a few more things:
If he said some things in anger that were hurtful......do you forgive him now? (I bet you do).
So....is he as forgiving as you? Do you honestly think he's holding whatever words went between you as his final verdict against you? Or is it possible.....that he would have forgiven you too and not be holding a grudge?
I don't know him or you so I'm just wondering and please feel no pressure to answer anything. It's just stuff to think about.
Also: Have you visited him since he's been ill? Have you expressed your feelings to him?
They say that hearing is the last sense to go.....so why not do so....if you feel like it?
If you did express your feelings to him.....would you be seeking anything? Forgiveness? Acceptance?
Would you likely get it?
IMO, if he is a loving parent......you don't even need to ask. Loving parents forgive their children for not being perfect. Loving parents do not end relationships because of angry exchanges and they do not write their kids off over such things.
If he is not willing to do forgive......as a parent.........why do you as a child.......have to go seeking what he will not give? Will it help you......especially if he rejects you? Will you regret asking?
Are you being stubborn with yourself? Taking all the blame? Holding all the responsibility for the exchange?
Ok....enough questions. ((((((((((((((((((Chance))))))))))))))))))))
