I've been away from the board. Going through some major and I do mean
major emotional upheavel. So much so that it threw my entire life off kelter for about 5 days. UGH!

Exercise was the only thing which got me back on track. However my eating is still off. I got in touch with some major anger.
I figured out that my healing is stalled in the resolution phase of the grieving process. It is stalled due to my marriage and discovering this during my last therapy appointment is what set off this intense anger. More accurately I discovered this just before therapy. I realized all of my last book is about resolution. I am writing again and again about reconciling but it
seems that I am not resolving anything. In my healing journey what
appears to be happening is not necessarily true.
I may be resolving my grief even though it doesn't look that way.Interestingly the anger first appeared in my body, specifically in my shoulders, back and neck. I got a massage. When the woman touched a specific spot over my scapula I suddenly felt anger. That was Friday. The anger erupted that afternoon and continued on and off for 5 days. Still not done but the exercise is sure helping me sleep better. I couldn't sleep at all for several days. Then other days I slept for hours. One day a took a 5 hour nap!