Author Topic: Would love to stop procrastinating, but haven't gotten around to starting.  (Read 1617 times)


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Hi all,

I have understood myself and upbringing so much better now that I can look at my Nmom and understand, the tradition.  However...........dunt, dunt, dunt,.....duhhhhh, the emptiness really never leaves even with understanding some of the N world.  My emptiness is translated into procrastination which leads to guilt, anger, and a lot of loose ends.  Anyone that has overcome this would be sought after because I'm interested in some responses of similar proportion, or even if there is information that is useful that is not proportional. 
     Many of the life lessons lost I guess are picked up later for children of the N's.  I hate blaming anyone else for my bad habits and emotions.  Not that my Nmom would own up to an ounce of it, it is all my problem anyway, although she was a great parent, just ask her.  But seriously, how do you recconnect the disconnections that cause so much pain.  I guess I need some professional help, obviously.  When we can afford health insurance I want to look into it, but in the mean time I'm hoping to gain even the smallest angle.  Thanks

Wally  :?
"If I fake it, then I don't have it"
---Bill Murray in "What about Bob"


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Re: Would love to stop procrastinating, but haven't gotten around to starting.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 04:11:07 PM »
Hi Wally,

I did get a laugh out of your title...and I do have an angle to offer on procrastination:

It is connected to confidence in my case.  And I do believe it can be a factor for many with Nparents. 

One enduring visceral childhood memory I have is 'the Claw', that is the way my father would grab my wrist to stop and sideline me.  Look I've done it myself, a child is about to dart into the road without looking or whatever.  You are busy with something else and say to a child just wait a minute.  But this is different.  My husband saw him do it to me all these many years later and afterwards said it angered him.

Me, for the first time instead of reaching for some deep breathing dissociative this too shall pass state of mind, decided I had a right to independent movement and, shock horror from all family members, pulled my arm out of his grasp...also it turned out, alleviating my husband's feelings at the same time.

When you consider that way back in the mists of my forming world this was happening, a powerful campaign to  control my actions by another human being, is it so surprising that I have some hesitations now?

For the last ooh nearly a decade now, I have been coming to grips with this.  And doing so in the way that benefits and pleases me the most.  I wanted to be able to sculpt large pieces out of terracotta.  It became known as my war with gravity...

On the one hand it was technique and experience which I was gaining simply through the practise.  And on the other hand, of equal value in both process and outcome, it was confidence.

I declared myself an anti perfectionist.  That helped.  And I rolled with the punches.  No more pile ons for me.  No more bathing in a welter of self criticism and doubt beyond that engendered by what was happening.

It was like I had a certain amount of energy for each piece.  And it would run out before it was completed and I would know this had happened because I would start procrastinating. 

Now I can see it was a process of hope and despair.

First something sparks a picture in my mind.  Then I work out how to do it.  And start building it.  I am fuelled by hope that at the end of this process of building that initial picture, so dear to me, will be before me.  And somewhere near the end, in some unspoken corner of my mind I have already assessed the reality of it all and know that I have failed, and so procrastinate to avoid that moment when it is finished and I can see that I have failed.

Now I promise this is not procrastination, I really do have to go now, hope this helps!

Its not Easy

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Re: Would love to stop procrastinating, but haven't gotten around to starting.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2005, 05:38:02 PM »
Hey Wally, this what I do to overcome inertia, procrastination or paralysis.
I consult with myself and ask, "What action should I take next to serve my own highest or best interest."  When the answer comes in a heartbeat,then I just do it quickly before I start second guessing or catastrophizing . This technique works because the answer comes from that part of you that really knows all the answers. You just need to learn to trust your higher self, and that is a tough call for a child of an N parent because they set out to destroy your spirit on a daily basis so that your life will be devoted to suppiying THEM.

ITS not Easy.


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Re: Would love to stop procrastinating, but haven't gotten around to starting.
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2005, 11:52:41 AM »
Thanks Lily, and Its not easy,

Your right Lily,  I declared myself an anti perfectionist.  That helped.  And I rolled with the punches.  No more pile ons for me it is easy for me to pile on one after another antil paralyzed in the brain. great suggestions.  Easy I like what you said, "When the answer comes in a heartbeat,then I just do it quickly before I start second guessing or catastrophizing"  and it is concurrent with the online advice that I have been researching.  Such a perfectionist I am (one of my Nbiproducts), and don't know where to start sometimes.  It is always inspiring to see the path that has been taken by others, and for me it is just to see how they got through it.  When learning to play the piano at a young age I was the type of person that needed to hear the song from someone else and then I could play it great.  Sometimes I know that there is not a miracle cure just an ample application of elbow grease, love both of your posts, thank you.


"If I fake it, then I don't have it"
---Bill Murray in "What about Bob"