Hi Sally,
As someone who was married to an n with many sexual issues, which included lying, hiding behaviors, very disturbing sexual thinking, sexual addiction, and keeping me in the dark about all of it until he decided to leave, I can now be so glad to have him out of my life. In the beginning, I was willing to help him deal with it, support him and continue our marriage. Thankfully, he was totally enamoured with a married woman at the time and saw that as his ticket to a sexually healthy life (wanting to believe that I was the reason he could not perform, have an interest in sex, was addicted to porn and only wanted to have sex with himself). She, of course, never left her husband as he imagined she would, and he will probably forever look for relationships with women who are unavailable. I know now that had we stayed together, the rest of my life would have been spent wondering what he was doing that I didn't know about and being rejected in the bedroom.
Now that I am in a totally healthy relationship, I can appreciate what I have been missing for the last quarter century. I realize how much of me was compromised and adjusted to deal with my xh and live within his world. I was happy because I had my children, but my marriage was a joke.
I am not suggesting that your situation is hopeless, or that you should throw in the towel if you are not yet ready to do that. However, from your postings, it sounds like you are happier when he is not around. It took me a long time to get to that point because I couldn't see his lying, hiding, cheating, etc., for the abuse that it was. I totally get it now. A healthy sexual relationship is critical to a healthy and long-lasting relationship, imo.
Keep your boundaries in place and go very slowly. Think about your future and how you want to spend the rest of your life.