Oh hon, I'm so sorry.
I'm a writer...wacky poet type...and sometimes I don't realize that language, especially in capital letters...can spook people if I overdo the drama. It's an imaginative exercise, seeing you, that's all. I know I can't really. And I don't want to invade your head that much.
I meant to be funny but it must've come out creepy and invasive. I'm soooo sorry if I kind of peeled you open, there. I really didn't intend to do that.
It was a weird exercise in trying to inspire you to laugh at yourself and love yourself.
And it backfired. I was too pushy and invasive (N spot!).
I am terribly sorry. I should know, since I have anxiety disorder, how the wrong words, delivered in the wrong tone, can flip somebody into a panic attack, and I'm terribly sorry I contributed to that.
I just would SO hate to harm you.
Please, forgive me.
I'm so sorry you had a rough night, and sorrier that I helped trigger it.
(I really do "see" only a very dear and very good human being. And that's all I meant to say.)
Maybe the guilt-wave is just a whole bunch of dreck, inner resistance to the actual possibility of loving yourself in a real way. Maybe when you tried out the fantasy of doing that, the big ball of toxic guilt you've been choking on just had to try one more time...
It is powerful. I cant' explain it but I do have such faith in you, that with some practice, some kinder thoughts about yourself, you can shrink it down to a size you can eventually bounce away from you. See it shrink and so forth...
But there I go directing imaginative exercises again and I'm sorry. I presume too much.
Please feel better.
Let me know how you are, and please accept my apology for pushing too hard.