Write, I'm glad you brought this up.
I feel like for the last 2 1/2 years, my life has been one major change after another. Many of them were painful, but necessary changes--like my son leaving for college, selling our family home, becoming a single mom, etc. I am fortunate that my divorce settlement has allowed for me to not have to go back to work, but at some point, I will probably want to do that, at least part-time. The next big change will be my daughter leaving for college next fall and I will become an empty-nester.
I feel like my life is in a big state of limbo. I love the home I have now, but with both kids gone for so much of the time after next fall, it may not make sense to keep something this large. I'm 55 years old and don't really feel like starting over a career at this point in my life. I'm in this wonderful relationship right now, but don't know how that will play out as it is too soon to make those predictions. I love the life I have these days and am having so much fun, but I must start being realistic about my future and make some long-term goals--financially, if nothing else.
I sure wish I had that crystal ball that could tell me what my life would look like in 5 or 10 years so that I could plan accordingly. I guess my goal for 2006 would be to start setting some goals and probably try to find a part-time job.
Happy New Year to you all.