Hello everyone! Im new to the board as well and have read alot of your responses. What a great place to be, never new something like this exisited. I have asked myself that same question for YEARS. Am I going to turn out like my mother or am I already like her? most people tell me that considering where i come from i have a developed my own personality with my own morals and values but then again I see that i have traits like her sometimes. I just hope its not often..... I absolutly feel sick when i think of that. My mother has always been a VERY selfish person, but generous with shopping, or materialistic stuff. My brother and I played counselor for both my mom and dad, but more so my mom, throughout their divorce when we were 5 & 6. It went on for years afterwards and I still find myself on the phone with my mom everyday listening to her ramble on and on about her work, men, money, her appreance or gossip about movie stars. About 75% bores me to death and I have not much advice anymore because I already gave it all up. Alot of times I turn off my phone or just dont answer but feel bad for her. When I have a problem which really upsets me (like when my cat got hit by a car, or when I took my RE test and was nervous, or when someone pulled out in front of my car and hit me so hard it totaled my whole car, her basic attitude was to get over it within a couple hours. I know she thinks talking about herself will make me feel better but it just makes me feel like no one is listening and I have this problem all the time. Its about her work, her current guy, or her problems. She is a office manager and cant stand it when someone treats her like she isnt that. She always says "so and so is such a bitch and so jealous of me", or "I wore a cute skirt or shirt and everyone was looking at me and george said "oh you look good in that". I honestly dont know why I need to know about every single one of her compliments she recieves. She also emails me her horoscope or people telling her "thanks for settting up this and that". Which is all the time. Its like she is trying to convience me of what a great person she is.
The way we grew up was very emotionally challenging. Their was no voice and she was an extreme perfectionist who was never happy with alot of things we did. I remember her loving my brother much more than I, and she was much harder on me. I had trouble concentrating in school and problems with depression later on, which was always dismissed as to start a hobbie or workout. She would go from guy to guy and get upset when It didnt turn into a relationship after they had sex. She works out constantly, shops, and is obsessively clean with her house and car. Extremely organized and bossy.Mean spirited alot and thinks shes better than almost everyone. Shes very taken back by someone when they have money or a good job.
When i had problems i would lock myself in my room and never talked about it because that was forbidden that we had problems. I finally moved in with my alcholic father (which to tell you the truth was like being free finally), and just hung out with as many friends as possible. When I graduated from HS, I dont remember her saying what interests you or what do you want to go to school for? No direction.No offers for anything materalistic or emotional.
Im now 26 and Ive had bulimia for 8 years-on and off. Sometimes I just want to blame her for everything thats wrong with me- like my brother, but I know thats so wrong. My bother hates my mom and calls her a slut and he doesnt want to do anything anymore but go to friends houses or in and out of shelters.He would rather be homeless than live with her, and sometimes I dont blame him. She has moved on after trying to force him to get a job.She dosent ask him whats upsetting him, she just demands.Their has very seldom been compassion, listening, unconditional love, support, and respect from her. Its always a put down or that we could have done better. Im tired and worn out and stuck I feel. In a cycle. My boyfriend(of 5yrs who she always puts down) tells me shes crazy. My best friend thought the same.My father thinks the same. She can never keep a boyfriend for long- isnt this telling? But when I tell her the way she upsets me (in a mature nice way), she tells me Im being to sensitive or she gets defensive. She also always runs over what Im explaining to her when It has to do with someone emotionally sad that Im going through. I guess my first question is- Am I blowing this out of proportion or does this seem like a narssistic mother to you? And please let me know if I seem narssistic. Sorry for writing so much I am upset right now

Thank You and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!