I feel like I'm being set up for a fall.... that work doesn't really value me and wants to get rid of me, so set me up to fail so they can sack me. I know this sounds paranoid, which it is, but if anyone has half a clue how scared I feel they may relate.Sometimes people are set up to fail. Is this realistic with you? Why would they want rid of you? Have you done terrible things, failed miserably, upset people, are generally disliked and a pain in the bum? I doubt it. My ex-boss, a director, slept with several women clerks, did a rubbish job, was consistently sexist, bullied and scape-goated and it took them years to get rid of him. Welcome to the wonderful world of financial services marketing!
I keep telling myself that in fairness, some of my best work has been done when I've been thrown into the deep end... the sink or swim but in this instance, my confidence seems to be at an all time low.Don’t expect yourself to be over-confident. Nobody likes a smart-arse. Ask for guidance, training, extra time. Don’t think you have to grin and bear it. People don’t usually want subordinates to fail. If you fail, your managers have failed. They are responsible for managing the team workload – not you.
I know I haven't done a really good job in this current role so find it hard to understand why they would want me to change. Whoah!

Are you sure?
I'm not trying to put myself down when I say I haven't done a good job in this current role.... my boss thinks the same, So if she thinks it, it must be true hey? She’s an idiot!

She’s stuck in the job she does and she’ll never leave because she’s a control freak! Had you noticed?
though she has a problem in passing work over, plus she checks everything single thing I do so any mistakes are quite public (not in a shouting down kind of way, but because we work in an open plan office). She has a big problem. No wonder you make mistakes (?) with her breathing down your neck. And presumably you feel as though you’re not responsible for the work if she checks everything? So why not make mistakes. Give her a thrill.

Have you made many mistakes? Of what magnitude? Did people die? I once told all the regional offices to throw out the old application forms because new ones would arrive on Monday. Of course they didn’t – for about two weeks! Haha. We all make mistakes.
As a result I have really lost confidence in myself and become quite lazy... No not lazy – bored, de-motivated and without any responsibility or independence. No sense of achievement. I’d be in a moronic stupor.
I used to ask her what I could do to help her out, to pass work over, Hahaha! Over her dead body I feel! She doesn’t want anyone to do her work. She wants total control. She shouldn’t be in a managerial position. She’d be better off in a specialist role.
but over the months this has subsided because I feel she doesn't have the confidence in me to pass work over. Do that make any sense?Yep. But it’s not about you – it’s about her. It’s not always
your fault you know? Sometimes other people are more screwed up than us. Difficult to believe but true. She doesn’t have confidence in
anyone I feel.
Do your best in the new role. Talk about your work. Get feedback. Check with the manager, your colleague. Be open but be adult and stand up for yourself. Nobody in a new job knows everything. We all have to learn stuff. It’s not a bad thing not to know everything. It’s not bad to make mistakes. It’s how we learn.
Keep cool! You’re great and compared to many…..even greater. Who are these super-humans you might be comparing yourself with?