Hi Sallying-
I just spotted your thread today, I was wondering where you were. I was away from the board for a while too.
I just want to say that I support you whatever you choose to do.
I know what you are going through and it is very very tough... it's tough to go and it's tough to stay. Whatever way you turn it's going to be hard work.
If your survival depends on staying with your husband right now, then so be it. It seems to me that you weren't quite ready the last time. It proved too difficult.
When the time is right, you will move away from him. You can only keep trying.
You may be keeping away from the board because you want a bit of peace, peace from the uphill battle and all the mental energy that goes with it. Maybe you don't want to hear what we have to say, because you know what we are going to say!
Make your own decision Sallying. Only you can do that. Whatever way it turns out we will be here for you
Take care of yourself